Claimed Scores 2019
  13031 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
19/12/19 70MHz UKAC
17/12/19 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for Christmas Cumulatives 50 MHz

29th Dec (16 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ELJ IO91 22 22 1 10 220 ON6ID 308 400 6/6 Tnx for the points.  
AO 2 G1KAR/P JO00 17 17 1 9 153 M0ORY 289 400 5 Element Custom Yagi Rather slow going but enjoyable event for the SARS team. Many thanks to all stations and a Happy New Year for contesting.  
AR 3 G3WRR IO91 12 12 1 7 84 M0ORY 209 100 2 ele Moxon Conditions seemed a bit up - and activity not bad.
AR 4 G3OVH IO92 8 8 1 6 48 G1KAR/P 237 100 3 ele 50 ohm Good condx, low activity  
AR 5 G8GYX IO91 7 7 1 5 35 G8ZRE 277 100 3 Ele HB    
AR 6 G0LGS IO81 6 6 1 5 30 G1KAR/P 213 100 5Ele Tonna    
AR 7 G8ZRE IO83 6 6 1 5 30 G8GYX IN IO91 277 100 3 ELEMENT YAGI No DX today activity was on 2 metres. Thanks all for points in 2019,see you in 2020 Dave G8ZRE.
AL 8 G0GJV IO91 6 6 1 4 24 G1KAR/P 110 2 fixed dipole    
AR 9 G8LZE IO91 6 6 1 4 24 G1KAR/P 111 25 6 ele DK7ZB Really enjoy the informality of this contest. Thanks to all those who came on and here's to a good 2020 for everybody.  
AR 10 G4JED JO01 5 5 1 3 15 G0GJV 74 100 4 ele Yagi    
AR 11 G3UVR IO83 3 3 1 4 12 G3OVH 149 60 2ele DK7ZB indoors    
AR 12 2W0JYN IO83 2 2 1 4 8 G8ZRE 22 50 colenna thanks for the contats 73
AR 13 G0TAR JO01 2 2 1 3 6 M0ORY/P 238 50 3    
AR 14 GW8ASD IO83 2 2 1 2 4 G3UVR 29 100 5ele Yagi    
AO 15 G4LDR IO91 1 1 1 2 2 G4ELJ 68 100 5 Element Yagi    
AO 16 G8NVX IO93 1 1 1 2 2 M0ORY/P 45 90 Sotabeam SB6 Bonus contact on a very quiet band.. Thanks for the points, happy new year..  

28th Dec (19 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G3PIA IO91 23 23 1 15 345 SQ9IAU 1529 200 6 element Nice lift during this session. Low UK activity. Thanks all!  
AR 2 G8ZRE IO83 14 14 1 14 196 SQ9IAU IN KN09 1644 100 3 ELEMENT YAGI Best day on 50MHz 2 DB & 1 SQ DX contacts. Thanks all stations for points. Dave G8ZRE.
AO 3 G1KAR/P JO00 15 15 1 8 120 G8ZRE 349 400 5 Element Custom Yagi Slowly paced but very enjoyable event for SARS. Some stations seemed to have problems with local noise masking our signals.  
AR 4 G8GYX IO91 12 12 1 8 96 G8ZRE 277 100 3 Ele HB    
AL 5 SQ9IAU KN09 9 9 1 9 81 EI7HBB 2015 100 7 el. Yagi TNX for all. 73's  
AR 6 G8LZE IO91 10 10 1 6 60 G3OVH 127 25 6 ele DK7ZB    
AR 7 G3WRR IO91 11 11 1 5 55 G3TA 139 60 2 ele Moxon  
AR 8 G3OVH IO92 6 6 1 7 42 SQ9IAU 1529 100 3 ele 50 ohm Sporadic E at end after very quiet time!  
AL 9 G0CDA IO83 5 5 1 8 40 SQ9IAU 1618 5 3ele Vine Good to get 3 E's 2 X DL JO51/52 1 X SP KN09  
AR 10 G0LGS IO81 6 6 1 6 36 G1KAR/P 213 100 5Ele Tonna    
AR 11 M0IEP IO91 8 8 1 4 32 G1KAR/P 173 100 5 elemet yagi    
AR 12 GW8ASD IO83 5 5 1 6 30 SQ9IAU 1654 100 5ele Yagi    
AR 13 2W0JYN IO83 5 5 1 5 25 G3SQQ 123 50 3ele Yagi Nice contast good coditions bit more better then boxing day thanks for all i worked 73
AL 14 G0GJV IO91 5 5 1 4 20 G1KAR/P 110 2 fixed dipole    
AL 15 G3SQQ IO93 2 2 1 4 8 G8GYX 211 10 6EL (OF Dual Band)    
AO 16 M0LPZ IO91 4 4 1 2 8 G3PIA 64 100 Inverted V-Dipole Thank You!  
AR 17 M0NVS IO91 2 2 1 2 4 G8GYX 50 100 3/3 Innov Yagi Seasons greetings. Better conditions today. Thanks for Qso's. 73 Phil
AO 18 G4LDR IO91 1 1 1 2 2 G3PIA 63 100 5 Element Yagi    
AR 19 G4JED JO01 1 1 1 2 2 G6UBM 5 100 4 ele Yagi    

27th Dec (21 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ELJ IO91 27 27 1 12 324 G8ZRE 256 400 6/6 Tnx for the points  
AO 2 G3PIA IO91 23 23 1 11 253 GW8ASD 205 200 6 element Fair activity but a noisy band here. Thanks all for the QSOs.  
AR 3 G0SKA IO91 20 20 1 9 180 G8ZRE 219 80 9 ele dual band 6/4 fairly flat but lower noise than usual to west  
AO 4 G1KAR/P JO00 18 18 1 9 162 G3UKV 296 400 5 Element Custom Yagi Slow but steady flow of contacts with flat conditions. With thanks to all stations contacting G1KAR/P  
AR 5 G8GYX IO91 18 18 1 9 162 G8ZRE 277 100 3 Ele HB    
AO 6 G3TCT IO81 17 17 1 9 153 M0CGL 302 400 5ele    
AO 7 M0CGL JO03 15 15 1 10 150 GI4SNA 429 400 6 Element LFA H/B HNY to all... Just a quick test to make sure 6m kit is working OK.. Family commitments means can only do this test...  
AR 8 G8ZRE IO83 12 12 1 10 120 G8GYX IN IO91 277 100 3 ELEMENT YAGI Good number of mults today. Thanks all stations for points. Dave G8ZRE
AR 9 G8LZE IO91 12 12 1 6 72 M0CGL 185 25 6 ele DK7ZB    
AR 10 G0LGS IO81 9 9 1 7 63 G8ZRE 153 100 5Ele Tonna    
AR 11 M0IEP IO91 11 11 1 5 55 G1KAR/P 173 100 5 elemet yagi    
AL 12 G0GJV IO91 9 9 1 4 36 G1KAR/P 110 2 fixed dipole    
AR 13 G3WRR IO91 7 7 1 5 35 G3TCT 177 60 2 ele Moxon  
AR 14 G3OVH IO92 6 6 1 5 30 G1KAR/P 237 100 3 ele 50 ohm Good conx, low activity  
AR 15 GW8ASD IO83 6 6 1 5 30 G8GYX 275 100 5ele Yagi    
AL 16 G3SQQ IO93 3 3 1 4 12 G8GYX 211 10 6EL (OF Dual Band)    
AO 17 M0LPZ IO91 6 6 1 2 12 G4ELJ 41 100 Inverted V-Dipole Thank You!  
AR 18 M0NVS IO91 5 5 1 2 10 M0IEP 87 100 3/3 Innov Yagi Seasons greetings and for qso's. 73 Phil
AR 19 2W0JYN IO83 3 3 1 3 9 G4IOQ 89 50 collinear Ok contest condition up from yesterday But down on contacts Thanks to the 3 stations i worked 73
AL 20 G0EAK IO93 1 1 1 2 2 G3SQQ 29 10 Halo Not a lot of activity  
AR 21 G4JED JO01 1 1 1 2 2 G6UBM 5 100 4 ele Yagi    

26th Dec (18 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ELJ IO91 17 17 1 8 136 ON6ID 308 400 6/6 Tnx for the points.  
AO 2 G3PIA IO91 15 15 1 8 120 ON6ID 348 200 6 element Conditions and activity both better than anticipated. Sorry to those I couldn't copy.  
AR 3 G3MEH IO91 13 13 1 8 104 ON6ID 315 100 3 ele  
AR 4 G8GYX IO91 10 10 1 5 50 G8ZRE 277 100 3 Ele HB    
AR 5 G8LZE IO91 9 9 1 3 27 G6UBM 66 25 6 ele DK7ZB    
AR 6 G0LGS IO81 5 5 1 5 25 G6UBM 180 100 5Ele Tonna    
AR 7 GW8ASD IO83 5 5 1 5 25 G8GYX 275 100 5ele Yagi    
AR 8 G3WRR IO91 8 8 1 3 24 G3PIA 79 100 2 ele Moxon Somewhat quiet....  
AR 9 G4JED JO01 8 8 1 3 24 G3PIA 107 100 4 ele Yagi    
AL 10 G0GJV IO91 7 7 1 3 21 G6UBM 75 2 fixed dipole    
AR 11 M0IEP IO91 5 5 1 4 20 G6UBM 143 100 5 elemet yagi    
AR 12 G8ZRE IO83 5 5 1 4 20 G8GYX IN IO91 277 100 3 ELEMENT YAGI Poor low pressure heard G3MEH very week. Thanks all for effort today. Dave G8ZRE
AR 13 2W0JYN IO83 4 4 1 4 16 G8ZRE 22 50 colinnar Very flat conditrions very little On the band thanks to all I worked 73
AO 14 G4LDR IO91 4 4 1 3 12 G8GYX 102 50 5 Element Yagi    
AR 15 G3OVH IO92 3 3 1 3 9 G3PIA 116 100 3 ele 50 ohm Terrible conditions and low activity.  
AL 16 G3SQQ IO93 2 2 1 4 8 GW8ASD 123 10 6EL (OF Dual Band)    
AR 17 G3UVR IO83 2 2 1 3 6 GW8ASD 29 50 2ele DK7ZB Fixed east indoors Only available until call for dinner came.  
AR 18 PE1EWR JO11 1 1 1 2 2 G3MEH 290 60 4-4EPS64  

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