Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for First 50MHz Contest

(57 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4ASR IO81 97 18,463 190 84 1,550,892 F4AZF 735 400 2 x 6-element DL6WU Some weak stations and the last hour was very slow going. Missed GI and GJ but got nearly everyone else. 73 David
SF 2 G3ZVW IO80 75 15,599 208 69 1,076,331 PA5Y 617 400 5 ele  
SF 3 G1XOW IO93 73 11,886 163 68 808,248 F4AZF 669 400 7 element  
O 4 M0SNB JO01 63 10,727 170 63 675,801 EI3KD 585 400 5-ele yagi Fast QSB. Thanks for the calls.
O 5 G8LED/P IO92 67 10,403 155 62 644,986 F4AZF 682 270 7El LFA Lost 20 minutes due to feeder issue.
SF 6 GM3SEK IO74 39 11,156 286 55 613,580 PA5Y 766 400 4el SteppIR-SEK Thanks for the QSOs. It was nice to get on for a 6m contest as I can't do Thursdays.
SF 7 G3MEH IO91 63 8,897 141 63 560,511 GM4JJJ 512 100 2 x 5 el Vargarda Average conditions, reasonable activity for a weekend contest. No IO82 or JO02 heard. Only 100W as linear broken.
O 8 M0ICK/P IO83 47 9,156 195 59 540,204 G1KAR/P 398 50 3 LFA HB Good wx, pity radio condx didnt match , very slow last hour , thanks for the points
SF 9 PA5Y JO21 29 12,052 416 44 530,288 GM4VVX 965 50 11 ele Dual bander Conditions up and down, tnx to G3ZVW for his patience. Enjoyed the more relaxed feel - 3hrs just right
SF 10 M0CGL JO03 45 9,083 202 53 481,399 F4AZF 627 100 6 element LFA H/B Good fun, and some good signals, many thanks for all the contacts, and great to work so many /P stations, thanks for points, Spalding & DARS
O 11 M0HYX/P IO92 43 8,063 188 54 435,402 GI4SNA 441 400 4 ELE Some good conditions and a resonable turn out. Testing new location for this one. Thanks all for QSO's. Team MFCG
O 12 GW4EVX/P IO83 48 7,913 165 55 435,215 G0GDA 330 50 HB9CV Glorious wx to be out backpacking in the Clwydian Hills. Wkd everyone I heard calling CQ except 2E1SKY. 23 1st hour, 8 in 2nd & 16 in 3rd.
SF 13 G3PHO IO93 53 7,627 144 57 434,739 GM4JJJ 336 200 Dual 50-70MHz 4 el yagi Disappointing conditions with deep QSB at times. Activity not up to UKAC standards but enough to keep me going :-)
O 14 G0EAK/P IO93 51 7,867 154 53 416,951 PE1GUR 448 10 4 ele M0ZMF Delta Beam Glorious weather, just a pity that conditions and activity levels didn't match  
O 15 G0EHV/P IO84 35 9,136 261 45 411,120 ON8DM 551 100 5 Element No local activity, all at rally? QSB an issue at times but still enjoyable contest. V windy at close!! Thanks QSO's.
SF 16 G0ODQ IO91 49 5,907 121 52 307,164 GI4SNA 460 100 3 Ele of dual band Poor conditions but reasonable activity for a weekend contest.
SF 17 G0GDA JO01 37 6,536 177 45 294,120 GI4SNA 570 10 Beam Just came on for an hour and a bit Busy Day
SF 18 G8ZRE IO83 36 5,761 160 51 293,811 GM4JJJ 322 100 3 ELEMENT YAGI Fair contest missed KAR/P for mults.Improved to JO QRAS in last hour.Worked G3MEH after many attempts.
SF 19 M0DDT IO91 47 5,413 115 52 281,476 GM3SEK 398 400 5ele    
O 20 G1KAR/P JO00 36 6,508 181 43 279,844 GD8EXI 506 375 5 Element Custom Great Weather! N Plug at top of mast wet open circuit just as 1st call by GD8EXI. Lost 20 mins making temporary fix!
O 21 G0LGS/P IO81 40 5,126 128 49 251,174 GM3SEK 356 100 3 Ele Cushcraft    
O 22 GD8EXI IO74 23 6,524 284 35 228,340 G1KAR/P 506 90 8 ele G4CQM  
SF 23 G8FUO IO91 45 4,962 110 45 223,290 PA5Y 444 100 CQM PowAbeam 5EL Sorry to those calling I could not hear due to local noise. Many thanks for contacts. Hope its quieter next time.  
SF 24 GM4JJJ IO86 22 6,565 298 34 223,210 G3ZVW 590 230 4 ele HB Dual Band Yagi Could only be on for first 2 hours, Flat conditions, thanks to all for the contacts.  
SF 25 M0GAV IO93 42 5,494 131 35 192,290 ON8DM 412 100 5 ELEMENT did a couple of hours out of the 3!
SF 26 G4ENZ IO81 36 4,580 127 41 187,780 M0ICK/P 219 400 3 ele Quad Antenna has just gone back up after 2 months down. Seems to be working OK but band very noisy here these days.
O 27 G4RFR IO90 35 4,772 136 37 176,564 GD8EXI 415 100 6ele  
SF 28 M0VSE IO92 29 3,930 136 39 153,270 GM3SEK 316 400 5ele Yagi Heavy QSB but quite good fun.
SF 29 G0HEL IO81 32 4,167 130 36 150,012 EI3KD 426 50 5 element LFA noisy band here only on for 1 hour due to other commitments Tnx all for points 73's Alan TDARC
SF 30 G8LZE IO91 36 3,619 101 39 141,141 G0EHV/P 372 25 5 element LFA QSB and high background noise made life difficult. Kept missing GW4EVX.
SF 31 G4JED JO01 26 3,865 149 35 135,275 PA5Y 390 100 4 ele Yagi  
SF 32 G1PPA IO93 27 3,623 134 30 108,690 G3ZVW 328 80 3 ele beam very noisy and qsb thanks for the repeats and the points
SF 33 G8FMC IO91 30 3,167 106 33 104,511 GM3SEK 392 250 Moxon Broken antenna, tilt mast over & fix! that left about 1 hr of contest!  
SF 34 M1CJE IO91 27 2,607 97 30 78,210 G3PHO 210 100 Inov 3 3 Thanks for all the QSOs
O 35 G3RCW IO93 20 2,462 123 27 66,474 GM4JJJ 341 10 5 element LFA Yagi    
SF 36 M0IEP IO91 26 2,333 90 26 60,658 G3PHO 182 25 6 element Yagi  
SF 37 M1SLH IO91 22 1,988 90 28 55,664 M0CGL 197 100 5 element  
SF 38 G4DDL IO91 23 1,880 82 28 52,640 G1XOW 182 90 Full-wave wire. Average pre Es conditions
SF 39 G6TGO IO83 16 1,948 122 26 50,648 G3ZVW 296 80 4 X4 6M/4M Very little activity but some Tropo apologies to the EI station who was calling me hope to work u next time.
SF 40 G3YSX IO91 14 1,681 120 23 38,663 PA5Y 412 400 5el Tonna  
SF 41 G4VFL IO84 8 1,977 247 19 37,563 G3ZVW 415 70 6 ele G4CQM  
SF 42 G3TDH IO83 12 1,553 129 23 35,719 GM4JJJ 314 100 Dipole Only part time, but glad to add to the results.
SF 43 GW6KLQ IO82 10 1,437 144 19 27,303 GM4JJJ 362 100 Delta Loop Had to take time out to ferry kids about but very pleased with number of stations taking part and persistence in heavy QSB
SF 44 G0TAR JO01 11 1,319 120 18 23,742 G4ASR 252 80 3 ele Good start low noise, 90 minutes later S9+ noise. Gave up.73 de brian.
SF 45 2E0XJP IO83 8 875 109 17 14,875 GI4SNA 228 40 tuned vertical W2000 Very noisy here. Very sudden QSB at times. Periods of "nothingness". Disappointing. Thanks for the points (and the perseverance). 73.
SF 46 GM4VVX IO78 3 1,579 526 7 11,053 PA5Y 965 80 4 ele yagi Good tropo at 1st then really poor after 30 min'. MS great = PA5Y wkd in 4 min' but no other takers. NO LOCAL GMs so no multipliers for me !
SF 47 PE1EWR JO11 7 1,095 156 9 9,855 G4ASR 451 60 3 el. Yagi No conditions on 50MHz, high noise, small signals, low activity. High pressure 1024 hPa, no wind, blue sky.
SF 48 2E1SKY IO93 11 629 57 13 8,177 G0EHV/P 178 10 6 meter beam  
SF 49 M6XAK IO93 11 610 55 12 7,320 G4ASR 201 10 Halo  
SF 50 G1MZD IO92 9 505 56 14 7,070 G4ASR 143 50 Tri band Colinear Fairly lively but activity soon dropped off.pity it did not open to EU would have been ok with Colinear. Tnx to those that heard me.
SF 51 GW0IRW IO72 5 830 166 8 6,640 G1KAR/P 340 80 5/5 Duo    
SF 52 G4XPE IO92 7 557 80 11 6,127 G4ASR 141 10 Fixed dipole in roof space    
O 53 GM4DIJ/A IO74 4 542 136 11 5,962 G3OHH 262 100 dipole Bit optomistic with a low antenna. Wrkd all heard except M0ICK/P.
O 54 M6IEB IO93 7 219 31 5 1,095 G30HH 97 10 X50 Diamond Full Wave  
SF 55 G8VPE JO02 1 120 120 3 360 M0CGL 120 90 1/2 wave slope dipol  
O 56 G8NVX/P IO93 4 71 18 4 284 G0EAK/P 29 5 Watson 9 band mobile vertical Bit of a rush job but not bad for a Sunday Morning, hopefully more prepared next time. Cheers all.
SF 57 GM0AXY IO85 1 21 21 3 63 GM4JJJ 21 100 4 el SteppIR  

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