Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
24/06/24 50MHz Trophy
03/01/24 144MHz Xmas Contest
03/01/24 70MHz Xmas Contest
03/01/24 50MHz Xmas Contest
31/12/23 432MHz Xmas Contest
26/12/23 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for May UHF

432 MHz (28 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 125 46,021 368 DM3F 851 400 3 x 28el M2 Yagi Slow at times, but some good DX. Just one QSO on Sunday, busy on the higher bands.  
SF 2 G0XDI IO91 94 21,230 226 DL0LB 763 400 23ele/11ele Duel Antenna Pretty Awful conditions for most of it! Very little activity and loads of regulars missing. Thanks to all.  
O 3 G8XVJ/P IO93 70 16,880 241 DA0FF 870 250 1 X 38EL 1 X 21EL    
O 4 M0GHZ IO81 67 14,581 218 DF2VJ 690 400 23 Ele DK7ZB Operated during the Trophy only  
SF 5 G7L IO91 58 11,956 206 DA0FF 734 400 20 ele LFA Only on Saturday, conditions poor activity worse  
SF 6 PE1EWR JO11 33 10,441 316 OK2A 659 50 2*21 el F9FT Rather disappointing activity!
SF 7 EI8KN IO62 24 10,363 432 OR6T 853 250 23 elements Flat conditions, low activity.  
SF 8 G4GFI IO91 50 9,135 183 DL5DAW 527 400 19ele Tonna Saturday only, poor condx & low level of activity.  
SF 9 F1CBC JN09 37 9,120 246 F4EEJ/P 446 20 9 els yagi Good conditions, Good Activity, QSB, QRN and Statics. Not QRV full time. Thanks for QSO. 73 at all Philippe  
SF 10 G4YPC IO91 49 9,107 186 DL5DAW 551 100 2X 21ele Tonna Flat/poor UK activity.  
SF 11 GM3SEK IO74 24 9,001 375 OR6T 758 100 23el YU7EF Just giving points away.  
SF 12 G3MEH IO91 47 8,858 188 DA0FF 752 300 21el M Squared Poor conditions and antenna fault after two hours - SWR 3:1. Closed down after 3 1/2 hours Saturday, just one QSO added Sunday.
O 13 G8LNR/P IO81 40 6,091 152 DL5DAW 665 50 26ele gave up at 8pm not having worked anyone for 1/2 hr  
SF 14 M0N IO91 37 5,562 150 EI8KN 471 200 18 ELE LFA Only 1 additional Qso on Sunday to my few hrs effort from Saturday. 73 Phil
SF 15 G8DOH IO92 36 5,499 153 DL5DAW 620 65 2 x 18ele Few hours only, mainly Saturday. Slow going.  
SF 16 M0UHF IO91 34 5,473 161 DF0MU 592 50 15E BEAM    
SF 17 G4CSD IO91 33 4,832 146 DL3R 501 75 15 ele    
SF 18 MW8P IO81 27 4,466 165 GM3SEK 360 25 18 LFA Cdx not great, was going to do 23 cms on Sunday but did some work on cables to new mast instead.  
SF 19 G0CDA IO83 20 4,315 216 PI4GN 608 40 21ele F9FT Last 2hrs of Trophy on Saturday.  
SF 20 G0JRY IO91 25 4,022 161 DF0MU 577 75 tonna 9e  
O 21 F4FET JO00 16 3,805 238 GW8ASD 416 120 Yagi 12elts QRV time to time  
SF 22 G1DFL IO91 27 2,819 104 OR6T 406 120 WiMo Baby Wheel First 3 hours. Not many on. Can we add 2m into this contest next year as a trial, to align with big EU R1 contest?
SF 23 G4EPA IO92 3 874 291 OR6T 445 75 19 ele Tonna Very quiet  
SF 24 G3OVH IO92 5 756 151 OR6T 462 10 10 ele homebrew Amazing lack of activity - just on Sunday.  
SF 25 G0BIX JO01 6 720 120 G4ASR 252 50 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
SF 26 GR8ZRE IO83 3 405 135 G0ODQ 208 20 15 ELEMENT YAGI Terrible just giving a few points away.Entering ARI contest on HF. Dave G8ZRE.
SF 27 M0HPI IO91 5 198 40 G0ODQ 56 20 Quarter wave groundplane    
SF 28 G4LDR IO91 1 110 110 M0N 110 400 21 Element Yagi On SHF except for this QSO (QSY from 1296MHz)  

1,3 GHz (25 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 39 15,277 392 DM5D 836 400 4 x 23 el Yagi Mainly Sunday but best DX worked Saturday night. Most of my focus was on 3cm, sorry to any I missed as a result.  
O 2 M0HNA/P IO91 44 10,143 231 DF2VJ 637 400 67 ele Only QRV Sunday for UK uW group event. Poor condx with severe QSB.
SF 3 G7L IO91 39 9,819 252 DL3YCW 619 250 1.9m dish Only on Sunday, Conditions average UK Activity poor.  
SF 4 G4LPP JO02 16 5,585 349 OZ3Z 699 18 4x55ele F9FT Dabbled on and off, thanks for QSOs, 73, Phil  
O 5 G8CUL IO91 26 5,447 210 DL4M 592 100 1.5m dish Sunday only.  
SF 6 GW4JQP IO71 16 3,942 246 G3XDY 437 25 35ele Tonna  
SF 7 G3MEH IO91 19 3,922 206 DL4M 550 300 1.5m dish Sunday only. Low activity, many UK stations on 3cm only.
O 8 GM4DIJ/P IO74 9 3,365 374 G3XDY 513 20 30 ele H/B yagi Late to start. Not much activity locally.  
SF 9 G4LDR IO91 15 3,197 213 DF0MU 629 100 4x35 Element    
SF 10 PE1EWR JO11 12 3,098 258 OK2A 659 100 2*25 el Loopyagi SONIM Nice AP reflection allowed for OK!
O 11 G4KZY/P IO80 19 3,041 160 G4LPP 321 25W 16 ele Great fun. Thanks foir the QSOs.  
O 12 M0GHZ IO81 19 2,921 154 PA0S 463 250 55 ele Sunday only  
O 13 G4ZTR JO01 13 2,805 216 EI8KN 559 300 1.5m PF dish Giving away a few points on Sunday  
O 14 G8XVJ/P IO93 10 1,810 181 DF0MU 635 50 dish 1.95m total rubbish rain and more rain  
SF 15 G6GVI IO83 8 1,760 220 G3XDY 298 20 27-ele loop-quad Two on Saturday afternoon, then the rest on Sunday morning.  
SF 16 G4GFI IO91 16 1,545 97 G6GVI 293 100 35ele Tonna Sunday only, poor condx & low level of activity.  
SF 17 G8DOH IO92 11 1,542 140 GI6ATZ 396 8.5 2 x 23ele Conditions poor.  
SF 18 G4EPA IO92 8 1,318 165 EI8KN 420 100 35 ele Tonna Just giving a few points away  
SF 19 G0CDA IO83 5 1,107 221 G4KZY/P 270 40 44 ele Wimo An hour near end of contest Sunday giving pts away.  
SF 20 G8SEI IO92 6 793 132 GW4JQP 264 100 43 ele Just giving point away on a sunny afternoon :) 73 jeff  
SF 21 M0UHF IO91 10 734 73 G3XDY 178 10 35e Tonna    
SF 22 F1CBC JN09 5 670 134 G3MEH 247 10 23 els yagi Bad conditions,rains, QSB, QRN and Statics. Not QRV full time. Thanks for QSO. 73 at all Philippe
SF 23 G4CSD IO91 9 631 70 G4ZTR 157 10 18 ele    
SF 24 G8HGN JO01 5 577 115 G4KZY/P 193 10 17 ele LFA Temporary antenna to get on Sunday. Thanks to all who reponded to my calls.  
SF 25 M0N IO91 6 443 74 G4KZY/P 143 200 36 Ele Yagi Quiet on here as most on 3cms trophy. Thanks for tries. 73 Phil

2,3 GHz (11 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 12 3,325 277 DM5D 836 200 0.8m offset dish Nice ODX worked by aircraft scatter Saturday night. Intermittent operation on Sunday with more focus on 23/3cm.  
SF 2 G7L IO91 12 1,640 137 PI4GN 514 25 1.9m dish Only on Sunday, Conditions average UK Activity poor.  
O 3 M0GHZ IO81 9 1,390 154 PA0S 463 100 67ele    
O 4 G4ZTR JO01 7 1,000 143 G4KZY/P 234 50 1.5m PF Dish Giving away a few points on Sunday  
O 5 G4KZY/P IO80 6 761 127 G4ZTR 234 10 Homebrew 21 ele Weather was kind, caught the sun. Must improve the equipment. Thanks for the QSOs.  
O 6 G8CUL IO91 8 626 78 G3XDY 174 50 1.5m dish Poor activity today, but at least the sun came out in the afternoon! Sunday only.  
SF 7 G4LDR IO91 7 604 86 G3XDY 227 30 1.5m Dish    
SF 8 G3MEH IO91 6 490 82 G3XDY 130 10 1.5m dish Sunday only. Disappointing. Thanks to those in the 3cm Trophy who made time for QSOs on other bands.
SF 9 PE1EWR JO11 3 388 129 PI4GN 300 25 25 el F9FT Less than flat conditions...
O 10 GM4DIJ/P IO74 1 265 265 G4CBW 265 20 50 ele yagi Thick fog pretty well killed it.  
SF 11 G8SEI IO92 1 186 186 G4KZY/P 186 100 43 ele just giving the rig a test  

3,4 GHz (6 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 6 1,268 211 PI4GN 398 20 0.8m Offset Dish Not much time spent on 9cm this time.  
O 2 M0GHZ IO81 7 839 120 G3XDY 246 7 90cm dish    
O 3 G4ZTR JO01 5 661 132 M0GHZ 220 20 1.5m PF Dish Giving away points on Sunday  
O 4 G8CUL IO91 7 558 80 G3XDY 174 10 1.5m dish Hard going again. Sunday only.  
SF 5 G7L IO91 6 543 90 M0GHZ 130 9 1.9m Dish Only a few hours Sunday  
SF 6 G4LDR IO91 4 265 66 G7L 112 15 1.5m Dish    

5,7 GHz (3 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 3 1,060 353 DF0MU 416 15 0.75m Offset Dish The orphan band! Not much activity apparent, focus mainly on 23/3cm.  
O 2 M0GHZ IO81 2 301 150 G3XDY 246 5 90cm dish    
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 2 72 36 M0GHZ 54 15 1.0m Dish    

10 GHz (8 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 20 5,848 292 DG5FEB/P 589 20 0.75m Offset Dish Very nice 30 minute lunchtime rain scatter opening to PA/ON/DL rescued a rather dire performance on this band.  
O 2 G4ZTR JO01 16 3,344 209 F6DKW 365 10 80cms offset Flat conditions and my attempts at RS contacts to DL were a miserable failure.  
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 15 2,433 162 F6DKW 378 25 1m dish    
O 4 M0GHZ IO81 12 2,015 168 PA0S 463 5 90cm Poor conditions, quite a few failures  
O 5 GW4MBS/P IO71 7 1,093 156 G4ODA 282 12 65cm offset dish Where was everyone, on 23cm or street partying? Last time I worked G3VPF on 3cm was 50 years ago!
O 6 G1DFL/P IO91 7 661 94 G4ODA 144 1 60cm Offset Dish Not many on thanks for QSO's. Great to be GPS locked! Remember O is for PORTABLES, SF is if you are at HOME. Don't game the system.
O 7 G0WZV JO01 2 457 228 PA3S 246 10 60cm penny feed    
SF 8 GW4JQP IO71 2 240 120 G4UVZ 162 2.5 600mm offset  

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