Claimed Scores 2022
  13552 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz

22 Nov (30 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SAO 1 GM4JTJ IO86 9 4,239 471 G4ZTR 569 100 HB 90ele LY Testing conditions especially later with rain and driech! Few cooperative planes later so finished early
SAR 2 G8CUL IO91 21 4,235 202 GM4JTJ 568 25 1.5m dish Dreadful conditions again with rapid and deep QSB. Harwell ARS.  
SAO 3 G4ODA IO92 22 3,994 182 GM4JTJ 458 200 1.9m dish Poor agn with many qsos taking some time. Sri to those missed.  
SAO 4 G4CLA IO92 25 3,805 152 GM4JTJ 472 80 1.9m Dish Flat conditions, some AS paths worked some didn't!
SAR 5 G4ASR IO81 19 3,344 176 GM4JTJ 520 20 67-el Probably the worst session of the year. Thanks for all the points in 2022 and see you all next year. 73 David
SAO 6 G4BRK IO91 18 3,127 174 GM4JTJ 562 120 150cm dish Poor condx, almost went QRT at 2130 but then activity picked up again. Lots of failures and deep QSB.  
SAR 7 G3SQQ IO93 24 3,052 127 G8PNN 238 23 68 EL WIMO Conditions not to good, sorry Jon GM4JTJ heard you, failed but many thanks.  
SAO 8 G4ZTR JO01 16 3,026 189 GM4JTJ 569 50 1.5m PF Dish Difficult conditions. Very quiet to begin with, turning into a flood of sked requests near the end, inevitably some were missed.  
SAR 9 G4JLG/P IO83 19 2,238 118 G3XDY 305 15 44 el YAGI Average conditions with bad QSB. Interdigital filter reduced QRM from mobile phone stations by 4-5 S points.
SAR 10 M0GHZ IO81 14 2,091 149 G3XDY 246 25 67ele Poor conditions. Sorry to anyone I missed, Lots of meeps on KST but busy on higher bands  
SAO 11 G8PNN IO95 8 1,988 248 G8CUL 405 80 67 ELE    
SAR 12 PE1EWR JO11 7 1,327 190 G4CLA 344 25 25 el F9FT A hard time and one lucky shot!
SAR 13 G0FVI/P IO93 9 1,226 136 G8PNN 243 20 67 ele wimo poor condx, lots of repeats needed, 1st hour only, had to pack up was too cold!
SAO 14 G4LDR IO91 11 1,224 111 G3SQQ 225 30 1.5m dish Conditions seemed poor.  
SAR 15 G3SGC JO02 7 1,169 167 G4BRK 240 0.6 67 element Poor conditions, deep QSB taking signals out. Sorry for those could not complete. 73s Graham  
SAR 16 G4HGI IO83 13 1,106 85 G8CUL 232 10 44 ele Awful QRN again from phone mast to southeast/south. thanks to all 73  
SAR 17 G4NTY IO83 15 1,100 73 G4BRK 220 20 40 Element Wimo Poor Conditions
SAR 18 G1DFL/P IO91 9 927 103 G3SQQ 161 0.8 1m WiFi Grid Dish Very cold, dark tabletop operating tonight, glad it stayed dry! Poor conditions yet again plus lots of portables missing. Thanks for QSO's.
SAR 19 GW8ASD IO83 8 684 86 G4ODA 199 0.5 67ele Yagi    
SAR 20 G0NZI/P IO92 9 645 72 G4JLG/P 138 2 Zone 1 sky dish Tough conditions on 13cm tonight. Thanks for the QSO's!
SAR 21 G1YBB IO82 4 590 148 G4ODA 210 20 grid dish early bath due to problems.Kit shared with G0JCC though he didn't get a go! thanks to those worked,Steve  
SAR 22 G1HLT IO93 7 572 82 G8CUL 172 2 Wimo 67 el T/verter in shack and no pre amp, so limited attempts. Heard twice as many as worked. S9 noise to WNW cured by filter.Tnx Mike for ODX.  
SAR 23 G8REQ IO83 10 530 53 G4CLA 162 2 40 Ele Wimo Only on for 90 mins but worked all my usual regulars. Tnx. for meeps/attempts...73  
SAR 24 G4AQB IO83 11 445 40 G4CLA 144 2 19 ele yagi Poor conditions tonight.  
SAR 25 G6GVI IO83 11 372 34 G4CLA 147 2 44-ele loop-quad Clear and calm, but very dewy. Conditions better at start.  
SAR 26 G6HPR/P IO92 5 260 52 G4BRK 111 1 39 ele5 late start tonight plus other issues Noise from the west. Thanks to all who tried. 73 Allan  
SAR 27 M0UFC IO83 8 183 23 G8REQ 57 2 Panel Clearly heard G4CLA on a reflection and direct.  
SAR 28 2E0TXQ/P IO92 1 41 41 G0NZI/P 41 1 39 ele Wimo    
SAR 29 G4KZY IO91 1 18 18 G4LDR 18 10 HB Double Quad    
SAR 30 G0JSB IO83 1 5 5 G8REQ 5 2 28 ele JVL QL Rotator jammed so just the one. Thanks to Frank G8REQ for the contact and for helping to sort the rotator.  

25 Oct (31 scores)

27 Sep (32 scores)

23 Aug (39 scores)

26 Jul (39 scores)

28 Jun (29 scores)

24 May (43 scores)

26 Apr (44 scores)

22 Mar (40 scores)

22 Feb (32 scores)

25 Jan (39 scores)

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