Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz

28 Nov (34 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SAR 1 F1BHL/P IN99 15 4,386 292 G3SQQ 419 10 3.15m dish Very poor. Heavy showers during setup so 1/2h waiting. Missed 2E0TXQ/P by a hair. Disappointing AS with G8XVJ but easy tropo QSO with G3SQQ.
SAR 2 G8CUL IO91 30 4,305 144 F1BHL/P 253 25 1.5m dish Grim conditions and activity low. Harwell ARS.  
SAO 3 G4CLA IO92 31 3,694 119 F1BHL/P 350 80 1.9m dish Poor Conditions tonight.
SAO 4 G4ODA IO92 23 3,647 159 F1BHL/P 383 200 1.9m dish Strong burning smell from SSPA after 1st few QSOs so removed from system before magic smoke followed and ran less power for rest of time.  
SAR 5 G3SQQ IO93 27 3,644 135 F1BHL/P 419 23 68 EL WIMO Deep QSB, Real patience needed, quite a number of stations missing, many thanks to all.  
SAR 6 G7LRQ IO91 21 3,186 152 PE1EWR 272 25 1.9m dish    
SAR 7 G4JLG/P IO83 22 3,081 140 G4ZTR 296 15 44 el YAGI Many distant stations weaker than usual and difficult to copy through the breakthrough. Many errors expected.
SAO 8 G4ZTR JO01 18 3,061 170 F1BHL/P 309 50 1.5m PF Dish Poor conditions and somewhat lower than usual activity. Kudos for those who went /P !  
SAO 9 G0EAK/P IO93 19 2,540 134 M0GHZ 232 30 67 El Wimo Poor condx with deep qsb and lots of regulars missing tonight. Bitterly cold but at least it was dry with no wind.  
SAR 10 M0GHZ IO81 16 2,399 150 F1BHL/P 255 25 67ele Very poor tonight, several failures and some QSOs took a long time waiting for a plane.  
SAO 11 G4BRK IO91 18 2,315 129 F1BHL/P 260 120 150cm dish Slightly better than last time. That's the only good thing I can say.  
SAR 12 G4HWA IO92 19 2,220 117 F1BHL/P 316 20 67 ele Wimo Poor conditions a lot of deep qsb on signals thanks for all the contacts Bernie  
SAR 13 G3SGC JO02 12 2,059 172 G4BRK 240 20 67 element Awful conditions, many failures, thanks for trying. First time not hearing F1BHL/P. Thanks for QSOs 73s Graham  
SAO 14 G4LDR IO91 13 1,933 149 G4JLG/P 288 30 1.5m dish    
SAR 15 G4NTY IO83 16 1,679 105 G3XDY 291 20 40 Element Wimo Poor conditions
SAR 16 G7WHI/P IO80 9 1,472 164 G4ODA 283 2 Panel    
SAR 17 G8OVZ/P JO01 12 1,428 119 F1BHL/P 288 25 25 ele Tonna    
SAR 18 G0NZI/P IO92 13 1,306 100 G3XDY 194 2 Zone 1 Sky dish Awful conditions thanks for the meeps and QSO's & CW where applicable!
SAR 19 2E0TXQ/P IO92 13 1,176 90 G4LDR 173 2 67 ele Wimo    
SAR 20 PE1EWR JO11 6 1,121 187 G4ODA 289 25 25 el F9FT  
SAR 21 G0HEL/P IO81 9 1,119 124 F1BHL/P 236 20 67 element WiMo thought I had cured the gremlins but I was wrong again. missed an hour, cold and horrible. tnx all fr points Alan TDARC  
SAR 22 G8XVJ IO83 11 1,065 97 G7LRQ 247 15 68el    
SAR 23 GW8ASD IO83 8 927 116 G8CUL 205 0.5 67ele Yagi Dire conditions again!  
SAR 24 G4AQB IO83 9 634 70 G8CUL 232 2 19 ele yagi Thanks for all the QSOs this year have a Happy Christmas!  
SAR 25 G8REQ IO83 10 605 60 G4CLA 162 2 40 Ele Wimo Only available for the first 90 mins. thought Cdx. to be only fair, Tnx. to all contacts....73.  
SAR 26 G6GVI IO83 9 587 65 G8CUL 234 2 44-ele loop-quad Most signals weakler than usual. Also tried with G4ZTR & G7LRQ.  
SAR 27 G6HPR/P IO92 7 487 70 G8CUL 113 2 67ele    
SAO 28 G8AIM IO92 6 430 72 G8XVJ 145 100 2 67 ele wimo    
SAR 29 G4VFL/P IO84 2 228 114 G8REQ 134 2 12ele Yagi Wx: Brrrrrr  
SAR 30 MW0OMB IO81 1 150 150 G8CUL 150 2 1.2 PF Dish Vry little heard tonight, even strng stns were hard to cpy. Beacon on .905 loud at = S5 though.Need to get 25w amp installed.Thnks tries.  
SAR 31 M0UFC IO83 6 149 25 G8REQ 57 2 Panel    
SAR 32 GM4DIJ/P IO74 1 94 94 G4VFL/P 94 20 55 ele H/B yagi lots of regulars missing. Freezing temperatures.A lot of fails.  
SAR 33 G0JSB IO83 1 5 5 G8REQ 5 2 23 ELE JVL QL    
SAR 34 G6SNO IO83 1 5 5 G8REQ 5 2 23 ELE JVL QL    

24 Oct (37 scores)

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27 Jun (38 scores)

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