Claimed Scores 2024
  9508 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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10/11/24 144MHz UKAC
10/11/24 144MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)
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07/11/24 144MHz FT8 AC (4 hours)
07/11/24 144MHz CW Marconi
28/10/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz

22 Oct (31 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SAR 1 G8CUL IO91 28 5,482 196 GM4JTJ 568 25 1.5m dish Conditions poor with rapid QSB. Activity down. Harwell ARS.  
SAO 2 GM4JTJ IO86 11 4,723 429 G4LDR 620 100 LY Higher noise than usual and tough conditions.Thanks for all the tries and patience.
SAR 3 G3SQQ IO93 27 4,144 153 F1BHL/P 419 23 68 EL WIMO Conditions seamed low at times but found a way through, once again many thanks to all.  
SAO 4 G4ODA IO92 20 3,989 199 GM4JTJ 458 200 1.9m dish Bands in poor shape agn so mni QSOs needed much time to complete. Very sri to those I ran out of time to try.  
SAO 5 G8KPD/P IO85 17 3,599 212 M0GHZ 422 100 110cm OCF Dish Sorry to those I missed but conditions not good. Running all the microwave bands on the same night makes it slow going for single band ops.
SAR 6 F1BHL/P IN99 11 3,419 311 G3SQQ 419 10 3.15m dish Dire conditions. Many unsuccessful attemps. Heard G8KPD/P 660Km. Finished early. 73. Jacques. Harwell ARS.
SAR 7 G7LRQ IO91 19 3,090 163 GM4JTJ 570 25 1.9m dish Poor Conditions. One to forget  
SAR 8 G4HWA IO92 23 2,954 128 G8KPD/P 346 20 67 ele Wimo Flat conditions a struggle at times thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
SAR 9 G4JLG/P IO83 22 2,880 131 G3XDY 305 15 44 el YAGI Below average conditions. DX stations unusually weak and difficult to copy.
SAR 10 G6HPR/P IO92 22 2,726 124 F1BHL/P 362 25 67ele Nice weather tonight. Poor conditions tonight so a difficult one for all i suspect. 73 Al  
SAO 11 G4LDR IO91 12 2,685 224 GM4JTJ 620 30 1.5m dish Generally poor conditions.  
SAO 12 G4RQI IO93 16 2,304 144 G3XDY 250 50 44 ele Thanks for the QSO's... ZME was only audible via AS tonight
SAR 13 M0GHZ IO81 12 2,230 186 G8KPD/P 422 25 67ele Dreadful conditions tonight, I can't remember it being this bad before. Several failures. Tnx for QSOs  
SAR 14 GW0JSB/P IO82 15 2,064 138 G3XDY 309 2 23ele QL Struggle with just 2w but fun outing. Thanks Phil.  
SAO 15 G8PNN IO95 8 1,462 183 G8CUL 405 80 67 ELE    
SAO 16 G8SEI IO92 12 1,431 119 GM4JTJ 455 80 1m dish Masthead PA failed halfway, down to 1w ish in the end . not a good night for contacts. sorry to those i didnt get :(  
SAR 17 G0NZI/P IO92 12 1,325 110 F1BHL/P 371 2 Zone 2 Sky dish Poor conditions yet again. Thanks for all the QSO's and trys and big thanks to F1BHL/P for his patience!
SAR 18 G3SGC JO02 7 1,264 181 G8CUL 233 20 67 element Difficult evening QSB severe, several failures, thanks for trying. 73s Graham  
SAR 19 G4FEV IO92 10 1,207 121 GM4JTJ 504 20 40 QLYagi    
SAR 20 GM4DIJ/P IO74 5 1,135 227 G4ODA 393 20 51 ele yagi Poor condx , low activity.
SAR 21 G0XDI/P IO91 8 982 123 PE9GHZ 312 10 1.5m dish Poor Conditions, Thanks to all.  
SAR 22 G8REQ IO83 9 944 105 G8KPD/P 221 2 40 Ele Wimo Only had limited time available, all QSOs completed in about 45 mins and then nil for the next 45..73.  
SAR 23 G1ZAR/P IO93 10 840 84 G8CUL 197 2 40 element Wimo hard work with no KST  
SAR 24 G4NTY IO83 10 806 81 G8CUL 228 20 40 Element Wimo  
SAR 25 G1HLT IO93 9 773 86 G8CUL 172 20 67 el Wimo Poor set up, mast dropped and faulty part replaced. Rotator then wrong. Conditions duff a bit like the op.
SAR 26 G6GVI IO83 9 648 72 G8CUL 234 2 44-ele loop-quad Nothing in last 90 mins, then ran out of time for final QSO!  
SAR 27 G7WHI/P IO92 9 534 59 G8CUL 126 20 Panel    
SAR 28 G6TVB IO92 8 455 57 G3SQQ 96 2 48 ele Wima Conditions very changeable. Able to hear a number of stations but with only 2w not being heard.  
SAR 29 PE1EWR JO11 3 329 110 G8CUL 329 25 25 el F9FT Hard work, couldn’t even raise John XD!! Lucky to get Mike G8CUL in CW. Tks to all that tried!
SAR 30 G4VFL/P IO84 2 228 114 G8REQ 134 2 12ele Yagi Wx: Calm and dry. The only bright thing was the twinkling stars !  
SAR 31 G4AQB IO83 6 179 30 GW0JSB/P 86 2 19 ele yagi    

24 Sep (27 scores)

27 Aug (27 scores)

23 Jul (30 scores)

25 Jun (31 scores)

28 May (26 scores)

23 Apr (32 scores)

26 Mar (28 scores)

27 Feb (26 scores)

23 Jan (15 scores)

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