Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz

28 Nov (19 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SAR 1 G4ODA IO92 15 2,179 145 G1LPS 235 10 1.9m dish New wifi signals on band didn't help..mni tnx for repeats when needed.  
SAR 2 G4CLA IO92 19 2,075 109 G1LPS 248 10 1.9m Dish  
SAO 3 G1LPS IO94 6 1,606 268 G3XDY 348 60 91 ele loop yagi    
SAR 4 M0GHZ IO81 11 1,598 145 G3XDY 246 7 90cm dish Signals better on 9cm than 13cm tonight  
SAR 5 G8CUL IO91 12 1,543 129 G1LPS 344 10 1.5m dish Slightly better than last month but still not good. Harwell ARS.  
SAO 6 G4ZTR JO01 10 1,538 154 G4JLG/P 296 20 1.5m PF Dish Rather slow going, but surprisingly better than some previous months.  
SAR 7 G4HWA IO92 13 1,282 99 G1LPS 282 10 1M Mesh Dish Poor conditions a lot of deep qsb on signals thanks for all the contacts Bernie  
SAR 8 G4JLG/P IO83 10 1,276 128 G4ZTR 296 4 0.9 m parabolic grid dish Mobile phone station breakthrough even worse than usual (20dB over S9 at times) which made copy of weak signals impossible.
SAO 9 G3UKV IO82 10 1,022 102 G4ODA 163 15 90cm PF dish Best signal was 54 (SSB) all session. Poor condx for sure.
SAO 10 G4BRK IO91 9 867 96 G4ZTR 159 40 150cm dish Just as bad as 13cm  
SAO 11 G4LDR IO91 6 746 124 G4ODA 212 15 1.5m Dish 3.4GHz system seems to have gone a bit deaf.  
SAR 12 2E0TXQ/P IO92 7 604 86 M0GHZ 156 2 WiMax Panel    
SAR 13 G7LRQ IO91 6 563 94 G4ODA 122 10 1.9m Dish    
SAR 14 G4NTY IO83 6 432 72 G4ODA 172 2 42 element Quad Loop Poor conditions.
SAR 15 G4AQB IO83 6 276 46 G4CLA 144 2 26 ele loop quad    
SAR 16 G6HPR/P IO92 3 164 55 G1ZAR/P 95 2 Wimax Panel    
SAO 17 G8AIM IO92 2 73 36 G4HWA 43 40 112 ele loop    
SAR 18 M0UFC IO83 4 69 17 G4JLG/P 25 2 Panel    
SAR 19 G6GVI IO83 3 32 11 M0UFC 18 0.3 8-ele patch Also tried with G4NTY  

24 Oct (19 scores)

26 Sep (20 scores)

22 Aug (19 scores)

25 Jul (17 scores)

27 Jun (20 scores)

23 May (20 scores)

25 Apr (22 scores)

28 Mar (20 scores)

28 Feb (21 scores)

24 Jan (22 scores)

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