Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for Second 70MHz Contest

(38 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CJN/P IO94 60 17,253 288 GM4ODA/P 621 120 6 ele Thanks for the points , nice to work the Shetlands .
SF 2 G4BWP JO02 65 13,363 206 GM4JTJ 520 150 7ele PowAbeam  
O 3 G5NF/P IO82 59 12,630 214 PA4VHF 671 150 5 ele Powabeam QSB an issue for most of the contest. QSOs were rare in last hour  
SF 4 G3TCT IO81 55 11,606 211 PA4VHF 661 160 6ele DK7ZB Good tropo qsos with GI, GM, ON, PA. Conditions were up a bit but lots of repeats needed for some qsos.
SF 5 G3MEH IO91 65 11,529 177 GM4JTJ 557 160 2 x 5 el HB Conditions up a little, especially to the west, but QSB made weak signals difficult. Good activity, including ON and PA.
O 6 G4RFR IO90 47 10,283 219 GM8OEG 643 150 12 Ele Yagi    
SF 7 G3NPI IO92 52 9,549 184 PA4VHF 530 150w 6 over 6 LFA yagi Condx average to good. Activity a little down perhaps. 73 all
O 8 G8CUL IO91 51 8,959 176 GM8OEG 558 160 6 element Conditions up and down with deep QSB. Poor activity though. Thanks to all for QSOs!  
O 9 G8VER IO91 58 8,496 146 PA4VHF 503 75 5 ele yagi 1st go at a 70 MHz contest. Worked G,GU,GJ,GW,ON and PA but no GM. Thanks to all for the points 73  
SF 10 G8BUN IO93 39 8,157 209 ON4PS/P 561 150w 5 element yagi  
SF 11 GW0GEI io72 36 7,870 219 G4BWP 314 160 7 ele long yagi Fairly good level of activity and my new flex 6500 performed well with the weak ones driving kuhne tr70h tvtr. Worked except agm6 on scatter  
O 12 M0UKD/P JO01 46 6,611 144 PA4VHF 449 160 4el DK7ZB 12.5ohm Lovely weather, got sunburnt! Never came across any openings. Good fun though, cheers all!  
O 13 GW4EVX/P IO83 33 6,311 191 GM4JTJ 383 100 3 Ele Yagi Very enjoyable contest with a steady stream of contacts. Apologies to those who called me but who I just couldn't pull out of the noise.
SF 14 G4YHF IO92 29 5,819 201 GM4JTJ 443 25 6el dk7zb Arrived in the shack to find this contest in progress! Someone hadn't read their calendar. Spent a pleasant morning tuning the band. Tnx.  
SF 15 GW8ASD IO83 28 5,482 196 GM8OEG 385 40 7 ele Yagi Over an hour late starting! Think I missed the activity!
SF 16 GU6EFB IN89 18 5,113 284 M1CJN/P 551 160 5 ele beam Good activity thanks to all for points
SF 17 G3UVR IO83 26 5,031 194 GM8OEG 358 150w 4 ele Jaybeam Only able to do the second half of the contest. 73 to all
SF 18 G4GFI IO91 36 4,997 139 M1CJN/P 340 50 4ele LFA Average condx and a high level of activity for the first hour of the contest.
O 19 M0GZN IO90 30 4,976 166 M1CJN/P 385 160 5el LFA Conditions mediocre. GB3ANG audible most of the time: no GM stations. AF and RF QRM later from Family Funday bouncy castles/sound systems
SF 20 G8REQ IO83 28 4,860 174 GM4JTJ 368 30W 4 Ele Fair activity and Cdx. although some QSB on longer paths. Tnx for QSOs/ points..73.
SF 21 G4FKK IO91 35 4,500 129 M1CJN/P 336 100 3 element LFA Reasonable conditions but nothing heard North of Yorkshire.
O 22 G0EAK/P JO02 19 4,374 230 PA4VHF 381 50 Delta Loop Just a fun entry whilst in Norfolk on holiday but hard work finding the contacts.  
SF 23 G8FMC IO91 29 3,656 126 GJ3YHU 320 40w 4el Moxon-Yagi Chronic noise until within a hour of finish, then it dropped by 12dB! So sorry to those that I had trouble reading.
SF 24 G4SJH IO91 32 3,383 106 M1CJN/P 331 150 5Y Sorry to not complete with G0EAS/P and GW4EVX/P - you simply disappeared into the noise! Otherwise thanks for the QSO's.
SF 25 G8EOP IO93 20 3,371 169 G4RFR 326 25 5 el beam Thanks all for points 4M is poor from this QTH high QRN at times. But thankfully no IO93 QRM
O 26 M0COP/P IO82 21 3,357 160 GI4SNA 306 10W DELTA LOOP Rain stopped play
SF 27 G4SGX JO02 18 3,250 181 N/A 0 8W 4 ele beam My first try at 4M contest, very enjoyable even with my 8W
SF 28 G8LZE IO91 31 3,170 102 M1CJN/P 305 20 4 element Couldn't make G3UVR AT 263 km. Temporary antenna, new one goes up this week, weather willing.
SF 29 G3TDH IO83 19 2,798 147 GI4SNA 288 25W 3 Ele Hear more than I could raise! Good signals from GM but only one worked.
SF 30 G1PPA IO93 14 2,312 165 G4GFI 236 40 3 ele beam first 4mtre contest lots of qsb and very noisy to the west.i sruggled on receive but enjoyed taking part thanks for all the contacts
SF 31 G4JED JO01 16 2,127 133 M1CJN/P 355 10 4 ele Yagi  
SF 32 G4RYV IO91 20 2,006 100 M1CJN/P 330 20W 5 ele yagi Disaster!Rig went intermittant on TX. Very sorry to those who found it difficult to copy my Transmission. 73 op David
SF 33 G4CLB IO91 19 1,940 102 M1CJN/P 304 10 Moxon Low power, low fixed heading beam and high QRN doesn't make for an easy life. Thanks if you had to struggle to complete with me.
SF 34 G3TCU IO91 9 1,412 157 M1CJN/P 350 160 6 ele DK7ZB Only able to get on for last half-hour and had huge local noise level
SF 35 M0TZZ JO01 12 1,320 110 M1CJN/P 361 50 3 ele yagi  
SF 36 GM4VVX IO78 4 1,069 267 GW8IZR 519 100w 6 ele A struggle with QSB & only a single local GM active. Not a thing heard after 10:30 = a long boring contest for me.
O 37 GW4JQP/P IO71 6 781 130 G4BWP 327 70 Halo Surprising what you can do during a lunch break! Very enjoyable.  
SF 38 GM7GDE IO75 1 5 5 GM3WUX 5 10 3 ele    

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