Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (48 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 139 67,826 488 LY3IZ/P 2109 1000 7ele Patchy Es at the start, which soon faded.
Open 2 GW2OP/P IO71 146 52,864 362 ES5QD 2097 400 7+7ele  
Open 3 G2BQY/P IO81 177 51,469 291 9H5MC 2149 400w 7 ele YU7EF 5 ele LFA Good to work some Es, entered open section for a change of tactics this year, which made it much more interesting  
Open 4 M0BAA/P JO01 182 40,809 224 9H5MC IN JM76 2007 400 7el @ 25m Hard work with no Sporadic E and just ground wave and MS bursts
Open 5 MM0CPS/P IO84 118 40,763 345 9H5MC 2502 400w 7 ele DK7ZB 3 Es contacts only.
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 88 33,223 378 9H5MC 2519 100 9 element  
R 7 G2LO/P IO92 127 27,366 215 9H5MC 2165 100 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) Just 5 SpE QSOs early on, then nothing, activity seemed down. A change of transceiver seemed to help reduce QRM suffered in previous years.
R 8 G0ROC/P IO83 124 25,326 204 IT9GQE 2114 100 Dual Band 6m/4m 4/5 Element Yagi  
Open 9 G3PYE/P JO02 118 24,630 209 9H5MC 2106 400W 6-ele homebrew YU7EF Most of the Es that existed before the contest either vanished or went over our heads once it started, of course.
R 10 M0HRF/P IO91 109 23,685 217 9H5MC 2104 95 6 element Create  
L 11 GI4GTY/P IO74 66 22,560 342 ON4IQ 787 25 7 Ele Yagi  
Open 12 G3FJE/P IO92 121 22,491 186 9H5MC 2101 400W 5 element Yagi  
R 13 G4RFR/P IO80 80 20,888 261 IZ0IEN 1509 100 11 ele  
R 14 M0MCG/P IO80 50 19,132 383 IZ8NVV/P 1869 100 5 ele Yagi Quite slow going, nice to catch a very brief E's opening near the start Just 2 operators in total making it more of a challenge G4WFR/G0KYS
R 15 G4ALE/P IO91 105 18,894 180 IS0DCR 1364 100 5 el yagi  
Open 16 M0NFD/P IO94 70 18,872 270 IS0DCR 1688 400 Eagle 4N6 5 5 IS0DCR no s/n given.
R 17 G6IPU/P JO02 54 16,125 299 IT9TYR 1954 100W 7-ele yagi  
R 18 G3ZME/P IO82 84 16,024 191 IT9CFP 2126 100W 7 ele LFA Condx v poor. Few Es to brighten up the evening.  
L 19 GM3TAL/P IO75 32 14,486 453 IS0DCR 1980 20 5-ELE  
R 20 G8LED/P IO92 74 14,062 190 IZ8FFA 2030 100 8 ELE LFA  
L 21 G1ONE/P IO83 76 13,863 182 IS0DCR 1674 25w 5 Element YU7EF IS0DCR not issuing serial nos, fairly flat in NW England, good wx and excellent BBQ , thx for the points BWC
Open 22 MW0TWC/P IO82 75 13,720 183 IF9ZWA 2027 400 2 x 3 ele LFA *TWCG* As usual the spE just about vanished before the contest started.
R 23 G5TO/P IO93 70 13,102 187 YL6BF/P 1514 100 5 EL YAGI Mediocre cdx. Psd to work into KO07 square for the first QSO on the contest as very little Es was heard after that! Poor non /P UK activity.
R 24 M1DST/P IO91 69 11,748 170 IF9ZWA 1866 100 1 x 5 ele Single band entry for a couple of fun hours.
R 25 G0SWL/P IO93 37 11,209 303 IS0DCR 1639 100W 5 ele yagi  
R 26 GW3SRT/P IO82 49 9,887 202 9H5MC 2289 100 5 el yagi  
MS 27 G2XV/P JO02 63 9,641 153 GM3TAL/P 540 80 5-ele Yagi  
L 28 G0KDV/P JO01 46 7,809 170 GI4GTI/P 528 25 3/3 (6) element Flat conditions all day.
R 29 G3RCW/P IO93 46 7,419 161 EI9E/P 367 100 5 ele Yagi    
R 30 G3BXF/P IO92 45 7,418 165 GM3TAL/P 468 100W 5ele Yagi  
Open 31 G3RCV/P JO01 39 7,336 188 EI9E/P 572 100 5 Ele Beam Conditions Flat, where were the E's need more power
R 32 G2OA/P IO83 17 2,743 161 G0VHF/P 344 30 5Y No sporadic E so difficult. Lower pwr due to only low pwr supply available.
MS 33 G4TJC/P IO84 9 1,422 158 EI9E/P 320 5 Full-wave Delta Check log from SOTA activation of Arnside Knott, G/LD-058. Absolutely stunning evening looking over Morecambe Bay.
FSR 34 9H5MC JM76 10 21,906 2191 GM3HAM/P 2519 100 Triband whip Good conditions operating from my Gozo location. I must get a better aerial. Mike G8DLX - 9H5MC
FSR 35 G3TBK IO93 39 9,038 232 IS0DCR 1544 100W 5Y Flat, Es quickly faded after being very good the night before!  
FSO 36 G4ELJ IO91 40 8,862 222 PC7M 509 400 2 x 6ele No Es at all. With Search and Pounce only, not easy to find stns. Worked 33 /P stns on the list and 3 UK /P not on the list. 12 not heard.
FSR 37 G0GQT JO01 29 5,737 198 EI9E/P 518 100 5ELE No "Es" heard or worked.
FSO 38 G0LGS IO81 22 4,190 190 GI4GTY/P 375 400W 4 Ele LFA    
FSO 39 G8MCA JO01 26 4,179 161 EI9E/P 489 400 4 ele dualband MoxYagi and Supermoxon Very hard to find the multipliers
FSR 40 G4APJ IO83 14 3,792 271 IS0DCR 1668 50 5ele VERY high noise levels and deep QSB
FSR 41 M5MUF IO92 22 3,498 159 EI9E/P 377 90 Single quad loop Don't know I put myself through this - a single element is hard going when there's no SpE :-)  
FSR 42 G4XPE IO92 14 2,123 152 MM0CPS/P 269 10 Fixed dipole in roof space.    
FSR 43 GB4RS IO92 14 1,490 106 GW2OP/P 285 100W 3 element yagi  
FSR 44 GW3ATZ IO83 6 1,124 187 M0BAA/P 333 80 3 ele Flat conditions. Wkd all I heard. May have missed some by band hopping.
FSR 45 G8VPE JO02 4 503 126 G8LED/P 188 100W 2ele HB9CV No Es for Saturday when the 50MHz contest was on, but Sardinia & Gozo heard on the Sunday when 6m was not in use - bah!
FSR 46 2W0JYN IO83 5 268 54 G0ROC/P 93 50 long fed whire very good conditions and very good contest
FSR 47 G7ICV JO01 3 125 42 G5LK/P 63 50 5 ELE LFA    
FSR 48 M6SLO IO93 1 11 11 G5TO/P 11 3W Wire dipole in attic only worked G5TO, heard GW2OP but with QSB he didn't hear my reply to his CQ  

70 MHz (38 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 74 28,171 381 CT1JAD 1720 250 10 Difficult conditions and activity seemed down.
Open 2 GM4ZUK/P IO86 68 26,527 390 M0MCG/P 702 150 8 ele Yagi Activity not great. Nice WX - warm and sunny with no wind. Heard CT beacons via Es but no ststiona heard.
Open 3 GW2OP/P IO71 78 25,081 322 9H1BT 2321 160 7+7ele Severe static rain caused us to take long breaks, but thankfully no lightning close by.
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 83 24,711 298 G5LK/P 556 40 H/B 11 element yagi  
L 5 GI4GTY/P IO74 65 23,110 356 G5LK/P 609 10 7 Ele Yagi  
Open 6 MW0TWC/P IO82 94 22,837 243 9H1BT 2291 160 6 ele Vine *TWCG* Better than 6m. A few E contacts. Some torrential static rain.
Open 7 M0BAA/P JO01 91 21,284 234 GM3WOJ 779 160 8el @ 25m Got on 45 min late due to transverter/radio interfacing problems. Worked hard to try to catch up. No Sporadic E :-(
R 8 G2LO/P IO92 90 19,962 222 9H1BT 2192 40 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) Quiet at times, but a pair of 9H1s helped boost interest. Change of transceiver helped eliminate receiver issues suffered last year.
Open 9 G3PYE/P JO02 88 18,630 212   0 100W 7-ele homebrew YU7EF  
L 10 GM3SHK/P IO75 39 17,515 449 CT1JAD 2099 10 5-ELE    
Open 11 G4RFR/P IO80 71 17,016 240 9H1BT 2140 150 12ele Yagi  
Open 12 MM0CPS/P IO84 55 15,962 290 G5LK/P 539 160w 8 ele  
Open 13 M0NFD/P IO94 62 15,514 250 GU6EFB 562 160 Eagle 4N6 5 5  
R 14 G2BQY/P IO81 70 13,846 198 GM4ZUK/P 635 40W 8 ele YU7EF Shame no Es  
R 15 G8LED/P IO92 71 13,734 193 9H1CG 2181 40 8 ELE LFA  
Open 16 M0HRF/P IO91 65 12,570 193 9H1CG 2127 160 6 element LFA  
R 17 G3FJE/P IO92 64 12,459 195 GM3WOJ 691 40W 11 element Yagi  
R 18 G4ALE/P IO91 67 11,839 177 GM4ZUK/P 651 40 6 el yagi  
R 19 G5TO/P IO93 50 11,597 232 9H1CG 2313 40 4 element yagi Good conditions but rather pooor activity from non field day stations. We were delighted to be called by 9H1CG for a surprise best DX.
MS 20 G4VFL/P IO84 45 10,871 242 G0FBB/P 454 25 7 Ele Yagi by G4CQM Wx: Good becoming Poor. Packed up 1h early in the dry rather than be rained on.
R 21 G6IPU/P JO02 37 10,424 282 OZ9EDR 692 35w 8-ele yagi  
R 22 G0OLE/P IO93 47 10,182 217 GM3WOJ 472 40W 6 ele yagi  
R 23 G0ROC/P IO83 53 9,899 187 GM3WOJ 470 20 Dual Band 6m/4m 4/5 Element Yagi  
R 24 M0MCG/P IO80 30 9,331 311 GM4ZUK/P 702 25 5ele Very slow going although cond didn't seem too bad. Thanks for QSO's 73 de G4WFR & G0KYS
L 25 G1ONE/P IO83 49 8,588 175 G5LK/P 382 10w 6 ele yu7ef One to forget, low sweeper activity (cant blame them ) flat band again, thought the coax was open circuit at times.
R 26 GW3SRT/P IO82 31 7,868 254 9H1BT 2317 40 6 element yagi  
MS 27 G2XV/P JO02 41 7,182 175 GM3SHK/P 540 40 5-ele Yagi  
R 28 G3RCW/P IO93 39 6,097 156 EI9E/P 367 40 3 Ele Yagi    
R 29 G3BXF/P IO92 32 5,626 176 GM4ZUK/P 513 40W 8ele DL6WU  
L 30 G0KDV/P JO01 25 5,166 207 GI4GTY 528 10 6El (3+3) YAGI Had problems with the NR-4SC due to dry joints, poor connectors. Had to change to FT-847.  
R 31 G2OA/P IO83 21 3,960 189 G0FBB/P 379 25 4 OWL Average conditions but closed 1 hr early due to impending rain.
FSO 32 GW8ASD IO83 35 7,275 208 GM4ZUK/P 433 100 7 ele Restricted time this year so 4M was the band of choice.No ES here, and little of any distance.
FSO 33 G3XDY JO02 27 7,132 264 GM3SHK/P 599 150 6ele Yagi Heard 9H working UK, but not calling CQ. Missed quite a few NFD stations this year.
FSO 34 M5MUF IO92 31 5,959 192 GM4ZUK/P 485 90 5 el LFA Nice conditions to the north. No SpE caught here. Local QRM sources thankfully remained switched off, which helps.  
FSR 35 G3TDH IO83 27 5,251 194 GM4ZUK/P 400 25W 3 Ele. Busier than usual on 4m this year!
FSO 36 G8MCA JO01 24 4,553 190 GI4GTY/P 521 160 4 ele dual band moxyagi and 5 ele LFA Very noisy here, sorry for all the repeats
FSO 37 GW4RWR IO83 13 2,920 225 G0FBB/P 373 150 7el DK7ZB qrv last 20 mins. Was out flying in morning, then picnic with family.
FSR 38 G4YHF IO92 5 1,150 230 GI4GTY/P 421 25 6el Had to put up a temp. mast. No rotator, few qsos but lots of complaints from her indoors!  

144 MHz (68 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 671 291,073 434 OM3W 1212 400 4x7,4x6 Very enjoyable contest till storms shut us down on Sunday morning. Thanks for the qsos
Open 2 M0BAA/P JO01 657 268,429 409 OL7M 1100 400 4x10 + 14 Average on Saturday, slight tropo Saturday evening. Lots of rain and static rain on Sunday. Thanks to all who called us.
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 282 115,146 408 OZ1ALS 1132 500 4X5+2x17 Poor conditions and a few gremlins to deal with, but better than last year!
Open 4 GW2OP/P IO71 300 102,277 341 OZ1ALS 1046 400 2x17 + 2x17ele Poor tropo condx, long periods of static rain and a couple of technical hitches made it hard work, but still an enjoyable weekend.
Open 5 MW0TWC/P IO82 373 101,703 273 DM4EE 1090 350 4x4 + 17 Steady as she goes, condx average to low, but some good distance through the night. Thanks all
Open 6 G3PYE/P JO02 297 86,180 290   0 400W 17-ele Tonna Slow but steady. Conditions seemed a bit down on usual. Despite trying to keep going all night, hours between QSOs at one point!
Open 7 G3WKS/P JO01 231 72,321 313 OZ5GX 953 200 2 x 11 ele Yagi Good conditons on Saturday PM and Sunday AM, before static rain blocked many signals for an hour or so. First club entry in VHF NFD for many years, thanks to those we worked for the contacts and patience with QSB and static rain.
R 8 G4WGE/P IO91 270 64,000 237 OZ5GX 961 80 18ele Cushcraft    
Open 9 G4RFR/P IO80 240 61,295 255 DA0FF 876 400 2x12 ELE Yagi    
Open 10 MM0CPS/P IO84 195 57,750 296 OZ1ALS 884 400w 2 x 9 ele M2  
R 11 GM3HAM/P IO74 174 57,186 329 F6KCP/P 816 100 2M5WL 17 element  
L 12 G3CKR/P IO93 217 56,865 262 DR1H 992 25w 17 ele M2 Below average cdx and low UK activity.Occasional openings into EU but difficult to attract attention. Lowest ever QSO no on 2m for VHF NFD!  
Open 13 G3FJE/P IO92 214 54,403 254 DK3BK 816 400W 2 x 12 element  
Open 14 M0NFD/P IO94 173 53,642 310 F4EEJ/P 965 350 12 element LFA  
R 15 G2BQY/P IO81 206 45,818 222 OZ1ALS 932 100w 9 ele DK7ZB Some good condx and pleased we chose to operate this band instead of 70cm. Very good activity and some excellent dx worked  
R 16 G6IPU/P JO02 121 43,750 362 DL0HTW 854 100w 17 ele Tonna Relatively flat conditions but wx good on Saturday with static rain on Sunday am. Good contest tnx all for the points!
R 17 G3ZME/P IO82 212 43,261 204 DK0FK 808 100W 17 ELE YAGI Activity lower than previously. Tks all QSOs  
R 18 M0HRF/P IO91 208 41,928 202 DF0GEB 756 100 Innovantennas 12 element OWL  
R 19 G0OLE/P IO93 125 38,942 312 DK3BK 831 100W 11 ele yagi  
R 20 M0MCG/P IO80 122 34,220 280 DK5QN 874 100 WA9UX0 (G4CQM) 9ele Slow but an enjoyable contest. Appeared to be less UK activity than had expected. Thanks for points. 73 de G4WFR & G0KYS
L 21 GI4GTY/P IO74 83 29,421 354 G4ZAP/P 894 25 17 EL    
R 22 G2DX/P IO91 155 25,871 167 DG7TG 665 100W 15 element yagi  
R 23 G3RCW/P IO93 134 23,449 175 F6KCP/P 630 100 13 ele Cushcraft    
L 24 G0BWC/P IO83 125 22,376 179 F6KCP/P 663 25w 17 el YAGI Hard going with modest equipment West of the Pennines - no easy sea paths to Europe!
MS 25 G0IVR/P IO91 97 20,883 215 DK5QN 688 100 8 ele LFA yagi Activity was slow at times but overall similar to last year. Good turn out by club members  
Open 26 G3WM/P JO01 69 20,490 297 DF0GEB 633 400 2X13 CUSHCRAFT, 4X4 DK7ZB Strange conditions Sat, could hear those around us working dx, but we couldnt hear the stations they working, soon as sun went down dl,on,pa
R 27 G3BXF/P IO92 96 18,522 193 DK3T 668 100W 11 ele DK7ZB  
MS 28 G8MKC/P IO91 76 17,625 232   0 70w 8ele G4CQM Average conditions, poor activity but good wx.tnx. MKARS
R 29 GW3SRT/P IO82 84 16,025 191 PA1T 661 100 9 element Yagi  
L 30 MM0HCE/P IO75 36 15,567 432 F4GYG/P 797 20 10-ELE LFA  
L 31 G0KDV/P JO01 71 12,512 176 OZ1ALS 761 25 Tonna Yagi Fair conditions on the Saturday, good lift early Sunday.
MS 32 G4VFL/P IO84 55 12,049 219 ON4WY 552 100 9ele Yagi by Tonna Wx: Sat Strong Wind so we abandoned 6m, on Sun we operated mainly 4m. 2m conditions fair.
L 33 G0ROC/P IO83 60 11,896 198 DG7TG 662 25 11 Element Tonna  
L 34 G0LGS/P IO81 54 8,075 150 F4HJC/P 488 2.5 9 Ele    
R 35 G2OA/P IO83 39 6,454 165 DG7TG 713 50 DK7ZB 10Y(28) Late on due to missing mike. Cdx flat but a little tropo to DL late Sat.
R 36 G0TAR JO01 27 4,567 169 GM3HAM/P 502 50 6 ele vagarda Very good lifts from time to time.
L 37 M0NDA/P IO92 29 4,404 152 F4GYG/P 363 25w 11 Element Yagi    
L 38 M0WTD/P JO01 10 1,725 172 GW2OP/P 377 20 2el Yagi  
L 39 GM4GUF/P IO85 5 1,403 281 DG7TG 752 10 9 ele Dead to south, more activity up to Orkney:. SS-064 Tinto  
FSO 40 G6DOF JO01 61 580,090 9510 DK3BK 787 350 9 ele F9FT  
FSO 41 GM4JJJ IO86 30 303,908 10130 DG7TG 750 400 WAXX10S ON, PA and DG on Saturday evening. Some nice backpacker portables worked at the end including IO90 at 625 kM.  
FSR 42 G0GQT JO01 67 22,189 331 DK3BK 798 100 17ELE hard work finding the mults.
FSR 43 G4YHF IO92 58 16,000 276 DA0FF 741 15 12jxx Crazy mission to find reg stns. Conclusion = Gold award virt. imposs. Silver, incredibly difficult. Bronze achievable.  
FSR 44 M5MUF IO92 52 13,222 254 OZ1ALS 777 25 10 el yagi Nice tropo conditions, peaking around midnight here. Hard to find any new registered stations in the last few hours.  
FSR 45 G8DTF IO83 53 12,684 239 F6APE/P 725 100 9 ele  
FSR 46 G4DBW JO01 47 12,247 261 GI4GTY/P 581 50 6 ele yagi    
FSR 47 G4APJ IO83 41 9,255 226 F6KCP/P 656 50 9 ele Terrible QRN at times, lots of times!
FSR 48 G3YDY JO01 24 9,159 382 DG7TG 570 100 7 ELE DK7ZB Intermittant operation on Saturday afternoon and evening.11 Field Day stations worked points total 100,749
FSO 49 G8MCA JO01 43 9,085 211 GI4GTY/P 521 400 5 element homebrew LFA Plenty of strong signals around
FSR 50 2W0JYN IO83 34 8,535 251 DG7TG 733 50 3 ele beam very good contest and good conditions. good contacts into france,scotland and netherlands
FSR 51 G8VPE JO02 25 7,922 317 5P6T 629 50W 9ele F9FT Some tropo about, very much better in the early hours of Sunday morning.
FSR 52 G0GJV IO91 39 7,412 190 DF0MU 561 100 9 ele  
FSR 53 GW3ATZ IO83 35 6,947 198 F4GYG/P 491 50 6 ele LFA Enjoyable weekend. Worked all I heard. Mainly flat conditions. Did around 13 hours.
FSR 54 G7ICV JO01 30 6,283 209 DG7TG 585 50 5 ELE LFA    
FSR 55 G4XPE IO92 32 5,601 175 DF0MU 598 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
FSR 56 GB4RS IO92 32 5,090 159 EI9E/P 417 50 3 element yagi  
FSR 57 G3TDH IO83 28 4,651 166 G5LK/P 343 100w 3 Ele. Lively band!
FSO 58 GD1MIP IO74 14 4,631 331 PA5Y 746 400 10 ele DK7ZB hope I fit the rules.
FSR 59 G8EOP IO93 20 4,558 228 DL0LN 634 100 9 el M2 Beam Limited time on week end contest thanks all for points 73 Mel
FSO 60 G0VFW IO91 25 4,377 175 HB9N 746 100 2 x 9 ele LFA Only operated for 3hrs on Sunday morning, Nice to work HB9N at 746Km !
FSO 61 GW4RWR IO83 21 4,008 191 G0FBB/P 373 20 6el HB DK7ZB 30mins QRV. Kid's b'day party scuppered Saturday. Flying Sunday morning.
FSR 62 G6AHX IO82 16 3,882 243 DF0MU 648 50 144-OWL-6 Only 13 QSOs with /P stations in the list. Therefore SCORE=50466.
FSR 63 G8ONK IO83 15 2,857 190 ON4WY 496 100 12 ele DL6WU Giving a few points aeay on Sat evening
FSR 64 M0NRD IO93 15 2,348 157 EI9E/P 408 30 4-Element LFA Yagi Giving some points away, hope everyone enjoyed their weekend
FSR 65 M5AML IO92 16 2,071 129 EI9E/P 363 5W INDOOR 5-EL YAGI    
FSO 66 2E0TGS IO83 6 1,256 209 ON4WY 458 40w 4 ele Switching between two yagis as no rotator. finished early due to thunder storm overhead.....
FSR 67 M0TNR/A JO02 8 1,247 156 GW2OP/P 343 50 3el SOTAbeam    
FSR 68 M6SLO IO93 1 11 11 G5TO/P 11 3W Wire dipole in attic Second contact with G5TO, the dipole was N/S this time. didn't hear any other stations.

432 MHz (53 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 M0BAA/P JO01 227 75,752 334 OL3Z 969 400 4x 17ele LFA Everything worked this year! Conditions up slightly Sat eve/Sun morning to the NE/E until the rains came! thanks to all for the QSOs :)
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 112 41,839 374 PI4GN 909 400 4x21 Conditions about average.
Open 3 G3PYE/P JO02 148 32,621 220 DK3BK 798 300W 2 * 21-ele Tonna Pretty slow going, conditions seemed down on normal.
R 4 G8OHM/P IO92 144 31,413 218 HB9AJ 834 100 28 el LFA Great weekend
R 5 G6IPU/P JO02 78 28,217 362 SP1JNY 879 100 13 lambda  
R 6 G8IYS/P IO91 123 27,458 223 5P6T 817 100W 28Ele Loop Yagi  
Open 7 MW0TWC/P IO82 101 24,110 239 OZ1ALS 918 300 2x10 + 23 So grateful for voice keyers, storms on Sunday to close for comfort. Condx seemed ok, low activity out West, tnx for calls much appreciated
Open 8 GW2OP/P IO71 72 22,826 317 DF0MU 831 400 4*21 + 20 Dire! Sun, heavy rain, hail and strong gusts - however the lightening didn't come our way. Conditions poor. UK activity levels very poor.  
Open 9 M0HRF/P IO91 98 19,790 202 DK3BK 862 170 2 x 20 element LFA  
L 10 G3CKR/P IO93 87 18,003 207 DF0GEB 857 20w 38el m2 Major problems late on air high swr changed feeders, aerial several times.Operated below par for most of wkend so not a good band this year  
R 11 M1BQY/P IO81 77 13,277 172 DF0MU 685 75 21 ele Check log only, had severe QRN last year, ok this year so maybe we should have done 70cm instead of 23cm  
R 12 GM3HAM/P IO74 42 13,053 311 G5LK/P 556 100 M squared 38 element  
R 13 G5TO/P IO93 57 11,613 204 DF0GEB 836 75 20 Element LFA Where were all those UK stations who come on for the UKACs? Poor support from you people! Surely not all were out /P with clubs teams?
R 14 GW3SRT/P IO82 55 11,085 202 DF0MU 704 100 18 element Yagi  
R 15 M0MCG/P IO80 40 10,208 255 DF0MU 796 50 WA718562 (G4CQM) 18ele Should work more. Only 2 operators so 70cm shared with 2m. This meant probably missed some 70cm QSO's. Thanks for QSO's 73 de G4WFR & G0KYS
L 16 G0ROC/P IO83 67 10,142 151 DF0MU 661 25 32 Element Yagi  
L 17 G3ZME/P IO82 54 9,601 178 DF0MU 693 25W 24 ele Low activity - hard going much of the time. Tks all stns QSOd  
R 18 G0OLE/P IO93 40 8,627 216 DF0MU 573 100W 19 ele  
R 19 G6SFR/P IO80 45 8,165 181 DF0MU 691 50 Jaybeam MBM46    
MS 20 G2XV/P JO02 35 8,143 233 DA0FF 714 35 21-ele Yagi  
Open 21 M0NFD/P IO94 31 7,709 249 DF0MU 605 50 29 ele Tonna  
Open 22 MM0CPS/P IO84 27 6,772 251 M0BAA/P 495 400w 2x23ele DK7ZB The preamp broke at the start and left us deaf. We had some callers on other bands telling us we were loud on 70cm but we couldn't hear them
MS 23 G0IVR/P IO91 38 6,302 166 DF0MU 610 50 14 ele LFA yagi Rather quiet at times. Better results than last year though  
MS 24 G8MKC/P IO91 35 5,071 145 PI4GN 528 50w 14ele G4CQM Average conditions, poor activity, less contacts than last year. tnx.MKARS
R 25 G2DX/P IO91 32 4,233 132 DF0MU 560 50w 18 Elt Parabeam  
Open 26 G3WM/P JO01 19 3,770 198 EI9E/P 572 400 21 ele Tonna Disaster, storm fri night/sat morning destroyed tent, rebuilt in storage container Sat Morning, Tower failed whilst being luffed,
R 27 G2OA/P IO83 29 3,647 126 G0FBB/P 379 50 19 Y Conditions average. Forgot the PA on Saturday so only 30W barefoot.
L 28 G3RCW/P IO93 30 3,537 118 EI9E/P 367 25 21 ele Yagi    
Open 29 G3WKS/P JO01 14 2,478 177 DK0GM 558 40 18 ele Tonna  
L 30 M0NDA/P IO92 14 1,789 128 G5LK/P 250 12w 19 Element Yagi    
L 31 M0WTD/P JO01 6 435 72 G8OHM/P 164 20 2el Yagi  
R 32 G0BRC/P JO01 4 367 92 G8OHM/P 162 10 dipole Basic entry, verying conditions limited operating condition, just for fun, 73
FSO 33 G3XDY JO02 34 9,395 276 OK2A 827 300 28 ele M2 Yagi Failed to work some NFD stations heard working others but not appearing to call CQ
FSR 34 G0GQT JO01 34 7,953 234 OZ1ALS 743 100 17ELE condx not great so pleased to get OZ on 70cms.
FSO 35 G4KCT IO93 31 7,022 227 EI9E/P 414 300 18ele cqm  
FSR 36 G8MCA JO01 28 5,315 190 DF0MU 499 100 10 Element LFA Seemed pretty quiet
FSR 37 G4APJ IO83 21 4,145 197 G0FBB/P 355 50 19ele A bit lacking in (audible) activity!
FSR 38 G3UBX IO82 20 3,398 170 EI9E/P 316 35 Tonna 21 Good practice listening to weak signals.
FSR 39 GW3ATZ IO83 19 3,032 160 M0BAA/P 333 40 12 ele Good weekend.Average conditions. Wkd all I heard. Did around 13 hours.
FSR 40 G0GJV IO91 18 2,927 163 DF0MU 561 100 16 ele  
FSR 41 G6AHX IO82 18 2,855 159 EI9E/P 322 20 19 el Tonna all 18 contacts were with /P stations in the list. Therefore SCORE=51390
FSR 42 G3YDY JO01 14 2,798 200 EI9E/P 504 100 16 ele DK7ZB Intermittant operation on Saturday afternoon and evening. 12 Field day stations worked. Points total 33,576
FSR 43 G7ICV JO01 16 2,504 156 DF0MU 473 50 15 ele Diamond Yagi giving away points  
FSR 44 G4AGE IO93 9 2,428 270 DF0MU 592 20 21ele F9FT  
FSR 45 G3TDH IO83 15 2,417 161 EI9E/P 327 75w 9 Ele.  
FSR 46 G8EOP IO93 13 1,952 150 GW2OP/P 312 75 28el m2 beam Thanks all for points not many stations calling CQ my way Sunday AM 73 Mel
FSR 47 G0VFW IO91 14 1,436 103 GW2OP/P 294 75 19 ele LFA Fairly flat, only operated for 3 hrs on Sunday morning
FSR 48 G0LGS IO81 9 1,331 148 EI9E/P 326 5 14Ele Powabeam    
FSR 49 2W0JYN IO83 6 402 67 G3CKR/P 122 50 3 ele beam good conditions and good contest
FSR 50 G8ONK IO83 3 397 132 EI9E/P 289 50 19 ele DL6WU Just giving a few points away on Sat evening
FSR 51 GB4RS IO92 4 186 46 G3PYE/P 65 25W 5 el yagi  
FSO 52 GD1MIP IO74 2 124 62 GM3HAM/P 63 200 19 element Tonna hope I fit the rules.
FSR 53 M0TNR/A JO02 2 43 22 G8BNE/P 37 20 6el SOTAbeam    

1,3 GHz (20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 60 20,788 346 OK2A 807 200 4x22 Going well till masthead power supply failed Sunday morning.
L 2 G3CKR/P IO93 57 15,610 274 DL0GTH 917 20W 1.7M DISH A hard slog back on low power again,but some good AS contacts into EU.A real lack of UK activity!.All equipment seemed to work fine.Tks GTH!  
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 33 13,714 416 PI4GN 909 200 4x35 Always a difficult band from this far west. Conditions about normal.
R 4 G3OHM/P IO92 53 13,122 248 DF0GEB 812 100 70 el Very quiet at times, with low UK activity, offset by some good DX, i.e. similar to 2014.
Open 5 G3FJE/P IO92 43 11,284 262 DF0GEB 716 200W 2 x 55 element  
Open 6 G3PYE/P JO02 43 10,937 254 DJ5AR 617 30W 55-ele Tonna A token entry on 23cm really, sharing the mast with 2m. Nice to give some points away though.
R 7 G2BQY/P IO81 40 10,084 252 DF0MU 685 100W 1.5m Dish Very disappointed with 23cm this year. Conditions were awful, although picked up on Sunday. UK activity was low, Europeans not interested.  
L 8 G3ZME/P IO82 33 5,852 177 DF0MU 693 25 67 ele Wimo  
Open 9 GW2OP/P IO71 18 5,291 294 GM4CXM 479 200 44 ele Wimo Poor activity and Dire conditions in the far west. Worked all we could find  
R 10 G0OLE/P IO93 21 4,339 207 PI4GN 493 10W 4ft Dish  
Open 11 G4RFR/P IO80 17 3,464 204 DF0MU 691 100 4 x 39 Ele Yagis    
MS 12 G8MKC/P IO91 14 2,322 166 EI9E/P 422 10w 23ele Tonna Very quiet as expected, conditions not too good. same number of contacts as last year. tnx. MKARS
MS 13 G0IVR/P IO91 11 2,178 198 EI9E/P 407 10 28 ele WIMO Yagi First time with 23cm at VHF NFD. Activity seemed low - UKAC is much busier  
Open 14 G3WKS/P JO01 6 1,067 178 DF0MU 490 10 35 ele Tonna Thanks to DF0MU for working us on CW.
FSO 15 G3XDY JO02 28 9,309 332 OK2A 827 400 4 x 23 ele Yagi Some tropo Sat night/Sun morning, but most DX worked by aircraft scatter.
FSO 16 G4KCT IO93 19 4,550 239 PI4GN 515 200 60ele cqm  
FSR 17 M5MUF IO92 17 3,586 211 DF0MU 580 25 44 el yagi Reasonable conditions, but less enhanced than 144MHz. Few groups seem able to make 23cm skeds from requests on other bands... mni pts lost  
FSR 18 G8EOP IO93 8 1,802 225 G5LK/P 349 100 28el m2 beam hard work on 23cm looking for stations calling CQ with the new sharp beams !! Thanks all who did beam my way 73 GL Mel
FSR 19 G0VFW IO91 3 501 167 G0OLE/P 251 10 2 x 35 ele Just a few QSO's on Sunday morning
FSR 20 G0GQT JO01 1 41 41 G0FBB/P 41 8 17ELE  

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