Claimed Scores 2019
  13031 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
19/12/19 70MHz UKAC
17/12/19 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (22 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
R 1 GM3HAM/P IO74 70 25,670 367 IW5EIJ 1751 100 9 element We heard SMs and OH with antenna on the ground before the contest. All vanished at the start as usual.  
R 2 G2LO/P IO92 119 18,031 152 GM4ZUK/P 547 100 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) Below average conditions. No SpE heard this year.  
R 3 G3ZME/P IO82 86 16,592 193 S52FO 1429 100W 7 ele Yagi Hard work as the hours passed - almost no Es this year.  
R 4 G4ALE/P IO91 74 11,766 159 GM4ZUK/P 651 100 3 ele LFA YAGI    
R 5 G0OLE/P IO93 51 11,764 231 EI9E/P 436 100 5 ele    
R 6 G6IPU/P JO02 47 10,986 234 EI9E/P 552 100W 7 ele    
R 7 G3PIA/P IO91 70 10,905 156 GM4ZUK/P 604 100 4 ele (Vine dual band) Great weekend, everything worked well and a good time was had by all!  
R 8 G8LED/P IO92 72 10,712 149 GM4ZUK/P 542 100 6el LFA Very flat, NO Sp-E. Good fun though for all. Lancaster salute during setup!
R 9 M0RDK/P IO91 67 10,140 151 GM4ZUK/P 656 100 Watts 5 element tonna Very low UK activity and poor conditions. Thanks to all stations that take part!  
R 10 G4ATH/P IO83 47 10,003 213 IZ5EME 1604 50w 5 Ele  
R 11 M5MK/P IO92 63 9,167 146 GM4ZUK/P 562 100 6 Ele powabeam    
R 12 G3RCV/P JO00 50 8,570 171 EI9E/P 524 100 5 element Tonna Conditions were flat during the contest.  
R 13 G0ARC/P IO91 54 8,326 154 GM4ZUK/P 629 100 5 ele Thanks for all the QSOs  
R 14 GW3SRT/P IO82 42 7,393 176 GM4ZUK/P 474 100 7 ele Yagi    
R 15 G3VLG/P IO92 42 5,856 139 GM4ZUK/P 538 100 5 ELE LFA    
R 16 G3WKS/P JO01 31 5,746 185 GM4ZUK/P 672 100 4 ele Yagi    
R 17 G0IVR/P IO91 34 4,970 146 GM3HAM/P 465 100 5/5 ele dual band 6/4m yagi Sadly no E's this year.  
R 18 G3TCR/P IO91 21 4,823 230 GM3HAM/P 448 100 5 element yagi    
R 19 G2OA/P IO83 28 3,861 138 GM4ZUK/P 376 50 Horizontal Dipole Thanks for all the contacts  
R 20 G4CXQ/P IO81 9 1,486 165 M0NFD/P 369 50 Delta loop    
R 21 G0CER IO82 9 1,415 157 GM4ZUK/P 450 80 9 ele LFA Short time on air.  
R 22 M1CJE IO91 4 535 134 EI9E/P 365 50 Innov 3 3    

70 MHz (20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
R 1 GM3HAM/P IO74 91 29,734 327 GU6EFB 617 40 11 element Missed two Es Contacts, alas too short . Heard Faroes and Portugese Beacons.  
R 2 G3CKR/P IO93 128 25,135 196 9A3EME 1724 40 8 element DJ9BV yagi Decent conditions and good activity,2 brief bursts of E's 9A&S50,Tks for all contacts. Mick M0ICK  
R 3 G3RCV/P JO00 96 18,643 194 GM4ZUK/P 694 40 9 element DK7ZB Much better activity than 6M.  
R 4 G2LO/P IO92 92 18,032 196 S51DI 1393 40 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) Conditions and activity seemed reasonable.  
R 5 M0RDK/P IO91 85 16,563 195 9A3TN 1506 40 5 element Better than 6M for some reason!  
R 6 G8LED/P IO92 79 16,543 209 9A3EME 1614 40 6el LFA Fair, Sp-E VERY sporadic! A couple of brief openings. Some Sun as well!
R 7 G6IPU/P JO02 56 14,603 261 9A3EME 1523 40 9 ele    
R 8 GW3SRT/P IO82 53 14,576 275 9A3TN 1713 40 7 ele Yagi    
R 9 G0OLE/P IO93 56 12,135 217 EI9E/P 436 40 6 ele    
R 10 G4ALE/P IO91 68 11,987 176 9A3TN 1466 40 3 ele LFA YAGI    
R 11 G3PIA/P IO91 71 11,404 161 GM4ZUK/P 604 40 5 ele (Vine dual band) Great weekend, everything worked well and a good time was had by all!  
R 12 M0HRF/P JO01 50 10,832 217 9A3TN 1402 40w 7 ele LFA Great food and company over the weekend, low activity & poor conditions. No equipment failures even with a very leaky tent. Thanks for QSO's  
R 13 G4ATH/P IO83 42 9,583 228 9A3EME 1816 50w 5 Ele    
R 14 M5MK/P IO92 49 7,065 144 GM4ZUK/P 562 40 5 Ele powabeam MKARS  
R 15 G0IVR/P IO91 31 5,833 188 GM4ZUK/P 658 40 5/5 ele dual band 6/4m yagi Sadly lost over an hour when the feeder snapped around the rotator  
R 16 G3WKS/P JO01 27 4,677 173 EI9E/P 516 40 5 ele yagi    
R 17 G2OA/P IO83 31 4,209 136 GM4ZUK/P 376 40 Horizontal Dipole    
R 18 G6COL/P IO93 20 3,703 185 EI9E/P 429 40 4m Beam    
R 19 G4CXQ/P IO81 18 3,534 196 GM3HAM/P 406 40 10 ELE YAGI    
R 20 G3TCR/P IO91 19 2,003 105 EI9E/P 408 40 3 element yagi  

144 MHz (15 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
R 1 G3CKR/P IO93 340 91,380 269 DR1H 992 100 17 ele M2 Hard slog with MORE pwr this year! Condns fairly flat.Limited EU activity.Big MS bursts from distant stns.Failed on a few HB9'S Tks Mike  
R 2 G3RCV/P JO00 246 70,964 288 EA2TO 916 100 12 elemnt DK7ZB    
R 3 M0NFD/P IO94 228 65,946 289 F6APE 784 100 12 ele LFA Condx flat. Wx cold but dry.
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 204 63,107 309 F4VQX 773 100 17 element  
R 5 G0SAC/P IO91 280 57,044 204 OZ1ALS 784 100 18 ele Cushcraft    
R 6 G3ZME/P IO82 277 52,429 189 DL0XS 837 100 19-ele    
R 7 G0OLE/P IO93 163 47,107 289 DL6IAK 856 100 11 ele    
R 8 G8OHM/P IO92 224 41,573 186 DR1H 928 100 12 ele Slow going at times, activity and conditions seemed below average.  
R 9 M0RDK/P IO91 192 41,015 214 DJ0WW 636 100 17 element tonna Overall good contest sometimes slow going.Thanks to all  
R 10 G3PIA/P IO91 197 40,467 205 DL6IAK 766 100 16 Element Great weekend, everything worked well and a good time was had by all!  
R 11 G2BQY/P IO81 198 39,453 199 DK3T 769 100 12 ele Flat conditions, rather disappointing  
R 12 G0IVR/P IO91 155 28,573 184 DK3T 693 100 8 ele LFA yagi Thanks for the points - we were busy at times.  
R 13 G3VLG/P IO92 157 22,509 143 PA1T 569 100 9 elem Yagi    
R 14 G6COL/P IO93 69 12,149 176 DK5DQ 582 100 2/70 Beam    
R 15 G0CER IO82 2 84 42 G3ZME/P 44 80 9 ele LFA    

432 MHz (13 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
R 1 G3CKR/P IO93 121 25,304 209 OZ1ALS 803 100 38 ele M2 A few equip problems early on limited op.Very flat & slow going.Slightly better activity Sun. Tks Mick&Phil.  
R 2 G3PIA/P IO91 75 17,374 232 HB9AJ 794 100W 21 element Great weekend, everything worked well and a good time was had by all!  
R 3 G8IYS/P IO91 87 15,842 182 DF2VJ 541 100 28ele Loop Yagi    
R 4 G6IPU/P JO02 56 15,425 275 DM5D 834 100w 20ele Yagi  
R 5 G2BQY/P IO81 80 15,255 191 DF0MU 685 75 23 ele DK7ZB    
R 6 M0NFD/P IO94 60 15,034 251 F6HMQ 684 100 21 Element Tonna Slow going, usual noise from LOS radar station and generally poor band conditions. Low activity. Thanks QSOs.  
R 7 G0OLE/P IO93 61 13,100 215 OZ1ALS 698 75 19 ele    
R 8 G3RCW/P IO93 47 8,870 189 DF0MU 623 75 23 El LFA    
R 9 MM0GPZ/P IO85 27 8,072 299 G5LK/P 576 70 28 ele M2 5 hours Sat only. Great WX. Points to CPSARC  
R 10 G0IVR/P IO91 29 5,126 177 EI9E/P 407 60 18 ele yari Deep QSB at times. Had to reduce power to 20w on Sunday due to RF feedback problems  
R 11 GW3SRT/P IO82 33 4,292 130 G5LK/P 348 50 18-ele Yagi    
R 12 G6COL/P IO93 9 1,377 153 EI9E/P 429 100 2/70 Beam    
R 13 G4CXQ/P IO81 6 1,039 173 G0VHF/P 300 100 10 Yagi    

1,3 GHz (7 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
R 1 G3CKR/P IO93 86 23,665 275 DR5T 940 100 1.96m dish First outing /P of new Dish.Worked vy.well.Conditions definitely enhanced over most of weekend.All other equip worked fine.Tks all Erik&Tony  
R 2 M0NFD/P IO94 64 23,466 367 F6KFH 813 100 70 ele    
R 3 G2BQY/P IO81 69 17,296 251 DF0MU 685 100 67 ele Good condx Saturday with some good dx but awoke to drizzle on Sunday morning with flat condx. Wx soon cleared up but condx didn't improve.  
R 4 G3PIA/P IO91 66 16,618 252 DJ5AR 694 100W 55 Tonna Great weekend, everything worked well and a good time was had by all!  
R 5 G3OHM/P IO92 60 13,989 233 DF2VJ 665 100 1.9 m Dish Slow going at times, activity and conditions seemed below average.  
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 25 7,756 310 G5LK/P 556 100 67 element Low activity and poor tropo.  
R 7 G0OLE/P IO93 20 3,862 193 EI9E/P 436 100 44 ele WIMO    

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