Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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24/06/24 50MHz Trophy
03/01/24 144MHz Xmas Contest
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31/12/23 432MHz Xmas Contest
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (50 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 221 253,229 1146 5B4AAB 3647 500 6+6 At last some reasonable Es during NFD! Can report much food was consumed and all plates cleaned by on-site dishwasher!
Open 2 G2BQY/P IO81 205 154,702 755 5B4AAB 3325 400 7 ele DK7ZB 5 ele Great to have sporadic E this year. Good fun. Thanks for QSO Trowbridge & District ARC  
R 3 G3CKR/P IO93 139 115,767 833 5B4AAB 3366 100 7el m2 jvl big issue with the wind 60mph had to lower mast cold not get the 7 el up because of wind late on band 14.58pm good ES till late 10.30pm  
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 88 108,612 1234 5B4AAB 3573 100 9 element Strong winds made setting the station up very difficult. Good Es for much of the contest but UK tropo was poor.
Open 5 G8SRC/P IO91 147 106,476 724 5B4AAB 3286 400 8 ELE    
R 6 G3ZME/P IO82 120 92,022 767 LZ5X 2364 100 7 ele yagi Spor. E extensive into Europe, which was much better than last year.
R 7 G3PIA/P IO91 103 80,143 778 SV5BYR 2867 100 5 element (Vine Dual Band) Great Sporadic E which made the contest very enjoyable. Thanks for the QSOs. Harwell ARS  
R 8 M0NFD/P IO94 61 60,828 997 LZ6G 2293 100 6ele Nice to have some ES  
MS 9 G3MDG/P IO91 64 57,609 900 LZ7B 2224 100 3 ele    
Open 10 G3PYE/P JO02 96 57,368 598 SV5BYR 2804 400 6-ele YU7EF    
Open 11 M5MK/P IO92 57 52,234 916 5B4AAB 3228 400 6 Ele yagi Some great DX. Good fun. 73 All.
R 12 G6AAQ/P IO92 67 50,378 752 LZ2JD 2223 100 Dual band Yagi    
L 13 G4WAW/P IO81 51 46,122 904 5B4AAB 3337 25 4 ele Nice to be back this year even if the computer clock was out  
R 14 G3WRR/P IO91 59 43,743 741 UR3UI 2165 95 5 ele Extended sporadic E opening most welcome!  
R 15 G3TCR/P IO91 57 41,857 734 SV5BYR 2848 100 yagi    
L 16 G4BAD/P IO81 59 40,832 692 IK7EOT 1950 25 4ele  
L 17 G0OLE/P IO93 43 37,153 864 LZ5Y 2287 25 5 element yagi Nice tosee some sporadic e  
R 18 G3SRT/P IO82 40 30,287 757 IK7LMX 2092 100 6-ele Yagi    
L 19 G4SJM/P IO94 26 27,946 1075 IK7EOT 2068 25 6 ele LFA    
Open 20 G3WKS/P JO01 35 26,758 765 LZ7B 2136 400 7 ele Yagi    
R 21 M0AAA/P IO91 48 26,486 552 IK7EOT 1872 100 Dual band 4 el Good ES  
Open 22 G3AMW/P JO03 26 25,993 1000 LZ6G 2196 75 Moxon    
R 23 G1DSP/P IO92 29 21,368 737 IK7EOT 1898 100 6 Element Yagi Thanks for the QSO's  
Open 24 G0SRC/P IO92 33 20,531 622 IK7EOT 1983 100 Delta loop    
R 25 G4ATH/P IO83 14 13,916 994 IS0BSR 1723 25 5 Ele LFA    
L 26 G3WKX/P IO91 10 5,322 532 IK7EOT 1877 10 Dipole Very much a token effort to keep MADARC on the contests map: my 10w + dipole no match for the QRM.  
L 27 M7HLA IO83 1 40 40 GW3ZTT 40 10 Wire doublet    
FSO 28 OG3B KP10 71 125,619 1769 CT1DMK 3052 1000 8-el    
FSR 29 G0CDA IO83 67 65,885 983 IK7EOT 2071 50 3 ele Vine yagi Good E's which was in and out most of the contest from LY,SP,9A,I,and others.45 locators from 67 QSO'S,lots of short skip contacts.DL/OZ,HB9  
FSR 30 G8ZRE IO83 58 52,400 903 IK7EOT 2080 100 3 Element Yagi Good contest SPE SM to F thanks all for points. Dave G8ZRE.
FSO 31 MM0C IO75 29 46,290 1596 LZ7B 2606 400 5 Ele Yagi Powabeam Some E's on Sat evening, unable to hear most UK Stations  
FSO 32 5B4AAB KM64 16 44,683 2793 EI7T/P 3686 400 4ele    
FSR 33 DH8WE JO50 39 41,343 1060 LZ7B 1402 100 Yagi 7 ele ON Saturday evening vy good condx to the UK for 2 ours ,on Sunday Band not opened from my QTH vy funny and the UK /p Stations are happened t  
FSO 34 9A9O JN85 26 39,951 1537 GI4GTY/P 1983 90 5 el.dk7zb Marijan Ć:osić: Kvarnerska 24 35000 SL.Brod Croatia  
FSO 35 G0XDI IO91 50 37,109 742 IK7EOT 1855 200 DUAL 5070-11-6-2CBG Conditions in and out but some SpE worked, very enjoyable effort on this band.  
FSR 36 GM3TAL IO86 28 36,846 1316 IZ5EME 1805 100 5 ELE YAGI  
FSR 37 G3XDY JO02 36 32,649 907 LZ6G 2058 100 Yagi Good Es, difficult to find many UK portables though.  
FSO 38 G4GFI IO91 32 17,463 546 IK7EOT 1812 400 5ele Tonna High local noise level but good Es condx.  
FSR 39 G3OVH IO92 19 17,441 918 IK7EOT 1954 100 4 ele homebrew Great Sp E to the East  
FSO 40 GW4CC IO71 11 13,927 1266 IK7EOT 2067 400 7 ELEMENT    
FSR 41 G0GJV IO91 18 13,441 747 IK7EOT 1853 100 3 ele LFA    
FSO 42 M1ABK IO92 20 12,982 649 YL2LW 1656 400 5 ele LFA Only a casual entry, limited time, and some good conditions although a little noisy to the south from here, thanks for all the contacts!  
FSO 43 ER/UT1ZZ KN37 10 12,789 1279 G0FBB/P 1970 10 Diamond V2000    
FSR 44 2E0IEI IO81 15 11,005 734 IK7EOT 1960 50 5 Ele DK7ZB    
FSR 45 F1CBC JN09 12 8,938 745 LZ6G 2062 80 5 els Yagi Some QSO but not QRV full time, QSB, QRM, Noise .Thanks for QSO.73 Philippe  
FSR 46 G4DFA IO91 9 6,855 762 YL5OM 1758 100 3 ELE HB beam nice to work YL  
FSR 47 G7DPE IO91 7 6,569 938 OG3B 1717 100 HUSTLER 6BTV  
FSR 48 GW8TVX IO71 5 6,024 1205 9A5ST 1775 50 Indoor Dipole Pretty noisy. Just worked a few stations when time allowed between chores.
FSR 49 G0RMG IO92 7 2,278 325 SN9J 1442 100 SQBM 1000P Vertical Colinear    
FSR 50 G1MZD IO92 6 1,732 289 IZ5EME 1369 50 Quad band Colinear Just a token entry with a poor antenna for this occasion. tnx. Dave  

70 MHz (36 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 GM4ZUK/P IO86 82 33,936 414 GU3TUX 802 160 8 ele Yagi Condx very flat - no Es here.  
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 63 24,603 391 PA2M 791 200 7 7 Conditions OK, but struggled to make ourselves heard this far west. Thanks to everyone who beamed this way :-)
Open 3 G2BQY/P IO81 96 16,658 174 GM4ZUK/P 635 160 7 ele Sadly no Es this year. Thanks for the QSOs Trowbridge & District ARC  
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 47 16,234 345 S51DI 1678 50 11 element Flat condx. Few portables were heard. Good to get S51DI on M/S though.
Open 5 G8SRC/P IO91 86 12,606 147 GM4ZUK/P 609 160 8 ele    
L 6 G3ZME/P IO82 61 10,277 168 GM4ZUK/P 487 10 5 ele yagi Managed with just 10W O/P. Thanks for QSOs completed.  
R 7 M0NFD/P IO94 44 10,218 232 EI9E/P 439 50 7Ele    
R 8 G3PIA/P IO91 60 9,801 163 GM4ZUK/P 604 50 5 ele Yagi No DX but reasonable activity. Thanks for all the QSOs. Harwell ARS  
R 9 G3SRT/P IO82 40 7,505 188 GM4ZUK/P 451 50 5-ele Yagi    
L 10 G0ARC/P IO91 47 7,055 150 GM4ZUK/P 629 10 6 ele We love this contest! Thanks to all for participating.  
L 11 G0OLE/P IO93 35 6,912 197 EI9E 436 10 6element Yagi    
MS 12 G3MDG/P IO91 45 6,626 147 GM4ZUK/P 588 50 4 ele    
R 13 G3WRR/P IO91 39 6,559 168 GM4ZUK/P 651 45 5 ele    
L 14 G4BAD/P IO81 44 6,320 144 GM4ZUK/P 621 10 4ele    
R 15 G1DSP/P IO92 29 5,854 202 GM4ZUK/P 495 50 6 Element Yagi Very Windy, thanks for the QSO's  
L 16 G4WAW/P IO81 33 5,733 174 GM4ZUK/P 617 10 4 ele Strange how all the "spikes" on the waterfall disappeared at 14:00 UTC  
R 17 G6AAQ/P IO92 39 5,695 146 GM4ZUK/P 516 50 Dual band Yagi    
L 18 G4SJM/P IO94 24 5,351 223 EI9E/P 396 10 5 ele LFA    
R 19 G3TCR/P IO91 36 4,481 124 MM0CPS/P 433 50 yagi    
R 20 M0AAA/P IO91 45 4,164 93 GM4ZUK/P 611 50 Dual band 4 el    
MS 21 GI4GTY/P IO74 14 3,985 285 G5LK/P 609 50 6 element yagi Dire  
MS 22 G3CNO/P IO91 21 3,657 174 GM4ZUK/P 664 50 5el Yagi Far better than our experience with 70cms and 23.  
R 23 G0SRC/P IO92 15 3,236 216 GM4ZUK/P 464 50 3 element beam    
Open 24 G3AMW/P JO03 5 1,010 202 G5LK/P 291 75 Moxon    
FSR 25 GW8ASD IO83 26 5,753 221 GM4ZUK/P 433 40 7ele Yagi Flat conditions, with some very strong portables. Just a few hours, on and off, Sunday.  
FSO 26 G0XDI IO91 35 5,365 153 GM4ZUK/P 598 25 DUAL 5070-11-6 First time on 4m and loved it. was surprised with what I was able to work with 25w  
FSO 27 G3TCU IO91 24 4,737 197 GM4ZUK/P 652 160 6 ele DK7ZB  
FSO 28 G4KCT IO93 20 4,531 227 EI9E/P 414 120 7 ele    
FSR 29 G4DFA IO91 17 3,512 207 GM4ZUK/P 644 20 3 Ele beam    
FSR 30 G3OVH IO92 18 3,416 190 GM4ZUK/P 485 50 6 ele homebrew Scotland was well supported!  
FSO 31 G3XDY JO02 12 2,689 224 GM4ZUK/P 594 150 6 ele Yagi Band virtually unusable due to S9 QRN. A struggle to hear anything.  
FSR 33 GM3TAL IO86 4 768 192 G3BQY/P 537 25 5 ELE YAGI    
FSR 34 G4EPA IO92 2 730 365 EI9E/P 385 50 4 ele Jbeam Nobody about when I was on in the morning  
FSR 35 G0RMG IO92 3 283 94 G2BQY/P 123 50 Philips WDT 70 4M Vertical 1/2 wave    
FSR 36 G1MZD IO92 1 37 37 G3MDG/P 37 10 Quad band Colinear Sorry could only hear one station, a poor antenna at the best of times even on FM.tnx. Dave  

144 MHz (62 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 587 240,489 410 F5DYD 877 400 4x7,4x6 Flat but good weather  
R 2 G3CKR/P IO93 263 67,753 258 HB9G/P 944 100 17 M2 60Mph winds caused problems for us this year, late on 6m , 4m tech probs switched to 23cm, pts well down on all bands except 6m, thx to all  
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 172 67,347 392 HB9N 1151 500 4x5 Tough going and problems with the rotator direction indicator didn't help. Rained most of Friday for the setup but fair during the weekend.
R 4 G3ZME/P IO82 234 50,364 215 EA1IT 1074 100 11 ele yagi    
R 5 G3PIA/P IO91 176 40,942 233 EA1IT 982 100 16 Element Reasonable activity with some nice dx contacts. Thanks for all the QSOs. Harwell ARS  
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 117 37,623 322 F1MKG 771 100 17 element Flat conditions and activity poor. Squally winds and heavy showers throughout. We survived !
R 7 G2BQY/P IO81 138 35,666 258 HB9G/P 828 100 17 ele Tonna Reasonable conditions and some good dx worked. Thanks for the QSOs, 73 Trowbridge & District ARC  
Open 8 G8SRC/P IO91 169 34,884 206 HB9G/P 805 400 12 & 6 ele Beams    
R 9 G6IPU/P JO02 111 34,297 309 HB9G/P 795 100 17 ele Tonna Poor conditions and very windy! Thanks to all who worked us. Good to be back after missing last year due to rare birds invading our site!
L 10 M0NFD/P IO94 106 32,129 303 F6KSD/P 963 25 12 ele LFA Gale force winds caused the beam to swivel on the stub pole. Not knowing where the beam was pointing half the time.  
Open 11 G3SRT/P IO82 147 30,093 205 HB9G/P 978 300 2 x 17-ele Tonna Yagi    
L 12 GW1YBB/P IO81 127 23,436 185 DR2X 885 5 homebrew 9 ele 3hrs backpacking. dry but continual cold strong wind all day. conditions reasonable.thx all,Steve  
Open 13 G4ATH/P IO83 94 21,558 229 F5SGT/P 636 300 17 Ele tonna    
R 14 G1DSP/P IO92 69 15,551 225 DF8V 620 100 17 Element Tonna Very Windy, Thanks for the QSO's  
Open 15 G3WKS/P JO01 69 15,268 221 DM5M 719 250 11 ele Yagi    
L 16 MW0LKX/P IO82 87 14,950 172 ON4EI/P 586 25 9 Ele LFA Was doing the backpackers so only 3hrs. Thanks for all QSO's Wayne
Open 17 M5MK/P IO92 70 13,520 193 F6HJO 628 400 2 x 12 Ele Bit of QRO just for fun, Sat only. Thanks to all who worked us.
MS 18 G3MDG/P IO91 62 13,382 216 HB9G/P 770 100 9 ele    
R 19 G3TCR/P IO91 74 12,368 167 PA0WMX 499 100 Yagi    
MS 20 GI4GTY/P IO74 29 9,361 323 TM5R 758 100 14 ELEMENT YAGI Band conditions very poor in GI.  
R 21 M0AAA/P IO91 60 8,194 137 PA0WMX 486 100 8 el LFA    
R 22 GT3FLH/P IO74 27 7,749 287 TM5R 674 100 9 ele tonna Hard work keeping antenna in one direction with the wind. Thanks to all stations logged  
L 23 G4HZG/P IO93 37 6,866 186 ON4KHG 470 25 12 ele yagi    
L 24 G4SDX/P IO93 34 6,704 197 TM5R 523 25 6 element DK7ZB Yagi    
Open 25 G3AMW/P JO03 27 6,572 243 F5SGT/P 653 400 Yagi    
L 26 GM0ULK/P IO86 13 6,337 487 G1RLF/P 664 25 2M 6 EleYagi Joined for the last 3 hours, hard going with 25 watts and small yagi, Condx variable but fun.  
L 27 G0OIW/P IO91 36 4,749 132 GM3HAM/P 419 3 3 ele Token entry made using my backpacker's QSO. Condx not bad!  
Open 28 G0SRC/P IO92 27 4,689 174 ON4PRA 452 50 13 element yagi    
R 29 G4BTS IO93 022 2,735 124 F5SGT 609 10 2m beem    
L 30 M0TZM/P IO92 8 821 103 G1YBB/P 154 5 5 ele beam    
L 31 G3MNJ IO91 2 61 30 G8SRC/P 31 10 Mobile whip on biscuit tin    
FSO 32 GW4CC IO71 85 24,871 293 HB9N 951 400 2 X 11 ELEMENT    
FSO 33 G0XDI IO91 114 23,896 210 DR2X 706 400 11el 23el Dual Conditions ok at times but better on Sunday. Very enjoyable contest. Thanks to all for the QSOs.  
FSO 34 G3XDY JO02 56 16,282 291 OZ1ALS 663 400 12 ele M2 Yagi Flat conditions, UK activity seemed quite low, high QRN in some directions.  
FSO 35 MM0C IO75 34 12,424 365 TM5R 801 400 2 x 9 Ele M2 Just giving away some points, a couple of hours Sat and Sun.Poor cdnx and low activity.  
FSO 36 MM0GPZ IO75 28 11,466 410 G5LK/P 630 400 12 ele M2 Giving points away for 2 hours  
FSO 37 G4JBH IO80 51 9,652 189 F1CML 531 400 12 ele Dual  
FSO 38 GM4PPT IO75 27 8,754 324 G5LK/P 615 350 12ele M2 Casual operating as & when I was free. Activity seemed very low.
FSR 39 G0JRY IO91 46 7,955 173 MM0C 480 100 tonna 9e  
FSR 40 G8ZRE IO83 42 7,784 185 F6KSD/P 989 50 8 XY Element Yagi Periods of low activity missed HB9 but 2 F stns.Tks all for points. Dave G8ZRE.
FSR 41 G0CDA IO83 41 7,592 185 TM5R 520 40 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Very poor activity and very noisy band.Most activity after 6m and Sunday  
FSR 42 F1CBC JN09 22 7,231 329 EA2DR 772 80 9 els yagi some QSO but not QRV full time, QSB, QRM, Noise .Thanks for QSO.73 Philippe  
FSR 43 G0GJV IO91 38 7,174 189 DF0MU 561 100 9 ele dual    
FSR 44 2W0PUT/A IO81 33 6,229 189 ON4KHG 525 50 7 3L3 DUAL In and out to give away some points. All sounded very relaxed!  
FSR 45 G1MZD IO92 31 5,083 164 OR6T 419 50 5 ele G4CQM Just worked who i could in the time available. tnx. Dave  
FSR 46 2E0IEI IO81 27 4,672 173 ON4KHG 452 50 10 Elememt Powabeam Flat, QSB and noisy. very hard work at times. Activity seemed down. Thanks for QSO's.  
FSR 47 G5RS IO91 30 4,657 155 GM3HAM/P 473 100 13 ele Total points claimed is 4657 x 26 = 121082  
FSO 48 G7LRQ IO91 20 3,594 180 EI9E/P 448 400 9 ele LFA    
FSR 49 M0NVS IO91 19 3,278 173 EI9E/P 442 100 8 ELE LFA Giving away points for a couple of hours between jobs. Conditions seemed reasonable. 73 Phil  
FSR 50 G3OVH IO92 19 2,606 137 EI9E/P 378 50 8 ele homebrew High levels of QSB on some signals.  
FSR 51 2E0TXQ IO92 11 2,551 232 F5SGT/P 515 10 6 ele LFA    
FSR 52 2E0GYI IO93 9 2,144 238 TM5R 496 40 3 Element Delta Loop    
FSO 53 G8TRF JO01 14 2,072 148 GW3ZTT/P 292 400 5 Ele LFA just giving points away on the 2nd club call  
FSR 54 G0TAR JO01 13 1,883 145 MM0CPS/P 485 80 9 ele beam Nice to get IO84 out of the blue. 73 de Brian  
FSR 55 G4DFA IO91 5 1,552 310 GM3HAM/P 477 100 9 Ele Tonna    
FSR 56 G6GVI IO83 10 1,545 154 G5LK/P 375 50 5-ele Operating from a picnic table in the garden (with one ear to the cricket!)  
FSR 57 GW8ASD IO83 9 1,522 169 TM5R 519 100 12 ele M2 Just pottering whilst doing other things. Band flat.  
FSR 58 M0TVZ IO92 13 1,238 95 G0SAC/P 151 50 V2000 COLINEAR Very quiet on band most f the time. Some QSB Sunday. Thanks for the points to Stratford on Avon Radio Society. 73  
FSR 59 G8OMB IO92 8 835 104 G3ZAP/P 207 50 5/8 element DK7ZB  
FSR 61 G0RMG IO92 7 564 81 GW3ZTT/P 109 100 SQBM 1000P Vertical Colinear    
FSR 62 G4EPA IO92 1 385 385 EI9E/P 385 100 9 ele Tonna    

432 MHz (40 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 86 37,967 441 HB9N 1151 400 4x21 Reasonable conditions and some good AS QSOs. Had to QRT early due to gremlins in the M/H preamp.
R 2 G3CKR/P IO93 93 20,608 222 HB9N 924 100 38EL M2 Wet some of the time, windy all the time 60+MPH. Tnx to all for the points. Phil 2E0DGP, Jason 2E0DHT, Mick M0ICK and Ian G0XBU  
R 3 G6IPU/P JO02 42 16,265 387 OK2A 835 100 26ele Yagi Great weekend, activity quite low and wind VERY high though!  
R 4 G3PIA/P IO91 60 12,830 214 F6KSD/P 741 100 21 element Conditions not good and activity low. We all had a good time though! Thanks for QSOs. Harwell ARS  
L 5 G2BQY/P IO81 45 11,727 261 HB9N 826 25 27 ele yagi Thanks for the QSOs 73 Trowbridge & District ARC  
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 34 11,711 344 OR6T 749 100 17 element Low activity, strong winds, generally poor conditions
L 7 M0NFD/P IO94 34 10,542 310 OZ1ALS 704 25 20 El LFA Quite a struggle keeping the antenna aligned with gale force winds and very average conditions.  
L 8 G0ARC/P IO91 52 10,375 200 F6KSD/P 741 25 20EL LFA Excellent weekend. Thanks to all for the QSOs.  
R 9 G3ZPB/P IO91 60 8,096 135 DF0MU 514 100 28ele Loop RF conditions were nothing special but a good weekend, none the less.  
R 10 G3SRT/P IO82 40 6,535 163 OR6T 592 50 18 Ele.    
R 11 G8SRC/P IO91 38 6,062 160 PI4BN 613 50 Yagi    
L 12 G0OLE/P IO93 22 5,030 229 OR6T 511 20 19 element Yagi    
L 13 G1DSP/P IO92 24 3,419 142 EI9E/P 457 25 15 ele Yagi    
R 14 M0AAA/P IO91 24 3,086 129 PA0WMX 486 75 21 el LFA    
Open 15 G3WKS/P JO01 11 2,049 186 PI4GN 496 150 18 ele Yagi    
R 16 G0BIX JO01 5 957 191 DF0MU 473 100 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
L 17 G3WKX/P IO91 8 830 104 EI9E/P 406 10 19 ele Tonna Token entry from a single op station: conditions seemed rather flat  
MS 18 G3CNO/P IO91 3 341 114 G0VHF/P 197 50 5el Yagi Dire.  
L 19 G0TAR JO01 4 307 77 G3PIA/P 130 10 9 ele beam Tried wrong time of day! 73 de Brian  
L 20 G8DXU/P JO00 3 209 70 G5LK/P 90 10 6 Ele Yagi Some quick tests with a small aerial.  
FSO 21 G3XDY JO02 48 18,949 395 OL4A 867 400 28 elel M2 Yagi UK activity seemed low compared to EU.  
FSO 22 G0XDI IO91 61 17,291 283 HB9AJ 760 400 23ele/11ele Duel Antenna As usual conditions and DX better on this band than 2m, just wish I could have spent as much time as I wanted to on this band. Thanks all.  
FSR 23 G0CDA IO83 17 4,207 247 G5LK/P 362 40 21 ele F9FT Very little activity,just QSY from 2M or KST skeds.  
FSR 24 G0JRY IO91 18 3,762 209 DF0MU 577 75 tonna 9e  
FSR 25 G1HLT IO93 14 3,500 250 DF0MU 585 75 19el Tonna Pro 3x1 hour sessions on Saturday. Best in the late afternoon.
FSR 26 G0GJV IO91 15 2,951 197 DF0MU 561 100 16 ele Dual    
FSR 27 GW8ASD IO83 11 2,689 244 OR6T 593 75 28 ele Yagi Just pottering whilst doing other things. Band flat.  
FSR 28 2E0IEI IO81 8 1,531 191 OR6T 503 50 23 Ele The band seemed very empty for most of the test. Thanks for QSO's  
FSR 29 M0NVS IO91 7 1,328 190 EI9E/P 442 75 18 ELE Giving away points for a couple of hours between jobs. Conditions seemed reasonable. 73 Phil
FSO 30 G8OHM IO92 7 1,276 182 GM3HAM/P 313 50 21 element Activity very poor.  
FSR 31 F1CBC JN09 5 1,148 230 F6KBO/P 296 20 9 els yagi Some QSO but not QRV full time, QSB, QRM, Noise .Thanks for QSO.73 Philippe  
FSR 32 G1MZD IO92 8 963 120 G5LK/P 186 20 5 ele 2m beam A compromise with the 2m beam just giving a few points. tnx. Dave  
FSR 33 G6GVI IO83 5 943 189 G0VHF/P 317 20 12-ele Giving away a few points from a picnic table in the back garden!  
FSO 34 G7LRQ IO91 5 766 153 EI9E/P 448 400 20 ele LFA Antenna fault stopped the fun :(  
FSR 35 G8ZRE IO83 5 759 152 G0XDI 230 20 15 Element Yagi Main effort on 6/2 metres. Tks all for points. Dave G8ZRE
FSR 36 G4EPA IO92 4 759 190 EI9E/P 385 75 19 ele Tonna Activity seemed very low  
FSR 37 G4DFA IO91 3 586 195 EI9E/P 471 75 19 Ele Tonna    
FSO 38 GW4CC IO71 2 410 205 G3PIA/P 208 400 2 x 23 ele    
FSR 39 M0TVZ IO92 3 263 88 G3CKR/P 108 50 V2000 COLINEAR Extremely quiet on band. Thanks for the contacts 73 Ron  
FSR 40 G7DPE IO91 1 63 63 G3ZPB/P 63 50 DIAMOND X5000    

1,3 GHz (28 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
R 1 G2BQY/P IO81 57 16,624 292 DL4M 690 100 67 ele Wimo Good conditions to the east with DF0MU audible for most of the contest. Low UK activity was disappointing. Tnx for QSOs Trowbridge & DARC  
R 2 G3CKR/P IO93 41 10,779 263 DK5EZ 651 80 1.97m dish equipment issue with 4m back up 23 only on sunday wx was dry but windy sat gusting to 60mph for 2 hour thanks for qso.  
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 28 10,255 366 F6DKW 759 200 67ele Hard work and quite a few failures, thanks to those that tried.
R 4 G3PIA/P IO91 40 9,926 248 DL0GM 628 100 55 element Very slow on 23 this weekend. Conditions not of the best but it was all good fun. Thanks for QSOs. Harwell ARS  
L 5 G0ARC/P IO91 41 7,809 190 DF0MU 621 25 44 Ele No equipment issues this year. Brilliant weekend. Many thanks to all for the contacts etc.  
L 6 G3ZME/P IO82 36 4,985 138 G5LK/P 332 25 63 Ele Yagi Poor propagation this year.  
L 7 M0NFD/P IO94 15 3,850 257 PI4GN 516 10 67 Ele Wimo Quite a struggle keeping the antenna aligned with gale force winds and very average conditions.  
L 8 G3SRT/P IO82 13 1,500 115 G0VHF/P 322 2.5 15 ele Yagi    
R 9 G6IPU/P JO02 5 1,121 224 DF0MU 410 10 Yagi Very limited 1296 entry as we had no preamp and it is the first year we were able to use this band.
R 10 G3ZPB/P IO91 8 881 110 GW3ZTT/P 281 10 54ele Yagi First entry on 23cms for many, many years.  
R 11 M0AAA/P IO91 9 592 66 G5LK/P 173 25 36 el yagi    
R 12 GT3FLH/P IO74 2 563 282 G2BQY/P 354 10 15 ele yagi Didn't find many stations on this band, so changed to 2m  
MS 13 G3CNO/P IO91 3 342 114 G0VHF/P 197 10 36el    
Open 14 G3AMW/P JO03 1 215 215 G0VHF/P 215 150 Yagi PA-1296-36-3AUTHD    
FSO 15 G3XDY JO02 40 15,578 389 OK2A 827 400 4 x 23ele Yagi Some good AS QSOs to be had, limited UK activity though.  
FSO 16 G7LRQ IO91 50 12,185 244 DF2VJ 580 250 1.9m dish poor conditions and low activity, many meeps ignored. Thanks for points/qso's  
FSO 17 G8OHM IO92 29 6,068 209 DL4M 638 350 4 x 23 element Average
FSR 18 GW4JQP IO71 13 3,666 282 G5LK/P 456 25 35 ele Tonna Deep QSB at times. Long quiet periods. Thanks for the repeats.
FSO 19 G3TCU IO91 15 3,204 214 DF0MU 556 300 44 ele  
FSO 20 G4KCT IO93 13 3,074 236 EI9E/P 414 150 70 ele cqm    
FSR 21 GW8ASD IO83 13 2,362 182 G5LK/P 370 10 67ele Yagi A bit of a Sunday dabble whilst doing other things.  
FSR 22 G6GVI IO83 13 2,179 168 G5LK/P 375 20 27-ele loop-quad In and out of shack over both days.  
FSR 23 G0CDA IO83 8 1,644 206 EI9E/P 307 10 44 ele Wimo Very limited operation and difficult on 10w lots of noise and AP's not working.  
FSR 24 G0JRY IO91 10 1,128 113 G5LK/P 193 10 tonna 23e  
FSR 25 G4EPA IO92 6 1,096 183 EI9E/P 385 10 35 ele Tonna Only on for a short time  
FSO 26 G4LPP JO02 4 792 198 G2BQY/P 328 110 4x55ele F9FT 30 mins only - made the mistake of logging onto KST before bed!  
FSR 27 G4DFA IO91 4 512 128 GW3ZTT/P 269 40 44 Ele beam    
FSR 28 2E0IEI IO81 1 91 91 G3ZME/P 91 2 Wimo 28 Ele New 23cm distance record for me. Couldn't hear anyone else. 73  

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