Claimed Scores 2024
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V8.44 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (35 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 74 31,913 431 VO1SIX 3457 500 2x6 For once, it seems that the wx was better for us than the UK. Activity well down on previous years and little Es to liven things up.
Open 2 G2BQY/P IO81 101 19,900 197 CT1HZE 1627 1000 7 ele YU7EF A storm upturned our operating tent Friday night but we mamaged to salvage the event and have a good weekend. No Es this year.  
Open 3 G3PYE/P JO02 51 15,783 309 VO1SIX 3929 700 6-ele    
R 4 G3PIA/P IO91 50 15,560 311 VO1FOG 3697 100 5 ele Yagi Wet and windy, activity poor, conditions not good Fun weekend though! Harwell ARS  
Open 5 G8SRC/P IO91 76 15,135 199 CT1HZE 1671 1000 1x8    
R 6 G3ZME/P IO82 61 14,065 231 EA7JXH 1776 100 5-ele    
MS 7 G4ALE/P IO90 45 11,216 249 CT1HZE 1646 90 4 ELE WET N WINDY NO E'S  
R 8 GM3HAM/P IO74 34 10,661 314 F4VPC 790 100 9 element Propagation was very poor. We had no SpE except for a brief Spanish beacon. Had to fix corroded DE contact before start.
R 10 G3SRT/P IO82 41 7,072 172 F4ARU 1087 100 6 ele Yagi    
R 11 G6AAQ/P IO92 41 7,017 171 CT1HZE 1809 100 5 element yagi Lower than expect activity. Thanks for all the contacts.  
L 12 G3VEF/P IO91 20 6,252 313 CT1HZE 1641 25 3 Ele Beam  
R 13 G1DSP/P IO92 25 4,329 173 EI9E/P 457 100 4 element yagi Thanks for all the contacts  
R 14 M0REG/P IO90 21 4,309 205 EA7JXH 1621 100 HB9CV    
R 15 G4ATH/P IO83 18 3,949 219 G5LK/P 417 100 5 Ele LFA    
R 16 G3WRR/P IO91 24 3,844 160 EI9E/P 482 100 6 ele    
R 17 M0AAA/P IO91 22 3,663 166 CT1HZE 1696 100 Innovantenna 9 el dual band    
Open 18 G3WKS/P JO01 18 2,433 135 G0OLE/P 324 400 7 ele Yagi    
FSO 19 G0SKA IO91 46 8,500 185 EA7JXH 1691 450 6 ele Powabeam fleeting Es to EA but fairly flat otherwise
FSR 20 G8ZRE IO83 22 6,343 288 EA7JXH 1845 100 3 Element Yagi Worked all I could hear only 2 DX CT & EA.Think Euros caused a few stns to be missing.Tks all for points. Dave G8ZRE
FSO 21 M1ABK IO92 26 5,645 217 EA7JXH 1799 400 5 ele LFA Flat conditions overall from the QTH, just the occasional 'Es' to EA, rather a lack of stations this year - Thanks for all the contacts  
FSR 22 G3XDY JO02 17 4,155 244 EI9E/P 547 100 3 ele LFA Yagi No Es but plenty of noise!  
FSR 23 G4HGI IO83 13 2,649 204 G5LK/P 380 40 5070OWA9 all qso's /p stations thanks to all  
FSR 24 G7HAH IO93 10 2,312 231 EI9E/P 413 60 4el Jaybeam just on between other things at the club today, 73  
FSR 25 F1CBC JN09 7 1,915 274 EI9E/P 582 80 5 els Yagi Very bad conditions, Noise, QRM and QSBThanks for QSO.73 Philippe..  
FSO 26 G4FKA IO81 11 1,793 163 MM0CPS/P 378 400 Dipole Just a few minutes activity. Conditions flat.  
FSR 27 G4EPA IO92 10 1,701 170 EI9E/P 385 100 3 element Just giving some points away  
FSR 28 G0GJV IO91 11 1,205 110 EI9E/P 429 100 3 ele LFA    
FSR 29 PE1EWR JO11 6 1,065 178 G3CKR/P 418 75 4-4EPS6/4  
FSR 30 G8DTF IO83 7 734 105 EI9E/P 318 40 Halo    
FSO 31 G8GNI IO91 8 727 91 G5LK/P 198 400 4 ele Flat condx. Giving away a few points.  
FSR 32 GW8TVX IO71 3 483 161 EI9E/P 212 100 4EL Yagi Band quite noisy and condx pretty dire.  
FSR 33 2E0SHB IO92 3 228 76 G8SRC/P 126 50 Sqarelo    
FSR 34 G8OMB IO92 1 75 75 G3CKR/P 75 50 offset dipole    
FSR 35 G1MZD IO92 1 61 61 G6AAQ/P 61 20 Quad band Colinear Glad somebody heard me, heard a few but didn't expect too much with the set up in the short time on the band.  

70 MHz (33 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 48 18,577 387 PA2M 791 200 2x7 Very poor activity and awful conditions.
R 2 GM3HAM/P IO74 45 14,297 318 G5LK/P 556 50 11 element Conditions flat. Heavy use of CW. No SpE. More or less worked everybody after 2 Hours
Open 3 G8SRC/P IO91 79 11,215 142 GM6MD/P 452 160 1x 8 ele    
Open 4 G3PYE/P JO02 64 11,033 172 GM4CXM 513 160 7-ele    
Open 5 GM6MD/P IO75 32 10,347 323 G5LK/P 591 160 2 x 5 element Heavy rain delayed start by 2 hrs. Band flat. Finished early due to low activity. Please, can we have VHF NFD on a Tuesday night? :)  
R 6 G3ZME/P IO82 65 10,281 158 PA7MM 569 25 5-ele Yagi    
R 7 G2BQY/P IO81 55 9,483 172 GM6MD/P 463 50 7 ele YU7EF No Es this year and trying restricted section for a change. A great weekend after a rough Friday night.  
MS 8 G4ALE/P IO90 44 7,985 181 GM6MD/P 543 50 4 EL WET N WINDY N SLOW  
R 9 G3PIA/P IO91 47 7,285 155 GM4CXM 527 50 5 ele Yagi Wet and windy, activity poor, conditions not good Fun weekend though! Harwell ARS  
R 10 G3SRT/P IO82 36 6,763 188 PA7MM 580 40 5 ele Yagi    
L 11 M0NFD/P IO94 30 6,637 221 EI9E/P 439 10 6 element yagi Its hard work on low power getting the attention of higher power stations.  
R 12 G3WRR/P IO91 41 6,548 160 GM6MD/P 520 50 8 ele Activity down but conditions a bit up. But have never experienced weather as bad as this in 50+ years of doing VHF NFD! :-(  
R 14 GW3ZTT/P IO82 33 5,122 155 G5LK/P 367 50 6ele yagi Poor Wet
R 15 G6AAQ/P IO92 36 5,104 142 EI9E/P 395 50 3 element yagi Lower than expected activity. Flat band condition. Thanks for all the contacts.  
R 16 G1DSP/P IO92 24 4,495 187 EI9E/P 457 50 7 element yagi Thanks for all the contacts  
R 17 M0REG/P IO90 24 4,370 182 GM3HAM 509 50 3 ele Yagi Horizantal Pol    
R 18 M0AAA/P IO91 27 3,582 133 GM3HAM/P 428 50 Innovantenna 9 el dual band    
R 19 G4ATH/P IO83 10 1,922 192 G0FBB/P 398 50 5 Ele    
L 20 G3VEF/P IO91 14 1,879 134 GM3HAM/P 474 10 3 Ele Sirio Beam    
FSR 21 GW8ASD IO83 28 5,294 189 G5LK/P 370 40 8ele Yagi Very unstable conditions, high noise levels and static rain! At least I was at home in the dry!  
FSO 22 G4KCT IO93 23 5,256 229 EI9E/P 421 100 7ele Had thunder and static rain at lunch time .
FSO 23 G3XDY JO02 14 3,547 253 EI9E/P 547 150 6 ele Yagi Noise an issue as always.  
FSR 24 G1MZD IO92 18 3,379 188 GM6MD/P 419 10 5ele G4CQM Missed a little time due to Red Arrows display overhead, but pleased to be heard on low power in the time available. tnx. Dave  
FSR 25 G4HGI IO83 14 3,198 228 G5LK/P 380 40 5070owa9 all /p stations tnx to all 73  
FSR 26 G4EPA IO92 14 2,381 170 EI9E/P 385 50 4 element Just giving away some points  
FSO 27 G8GNI IO91 12 1,494 124 G5LK/P 198 150 5 ele Flat and noisy Giving points away  
FSR 28 GW4RWR IO83 6 1,125 188 G0VHF/P 349 20 7el DK7ZB Giving points away. Low activity?  
FSR 29 G0GJV IO91 10 866 87 G5LK/P 155 50 3 ele 6m LFA    
FSR 30 PE1EWR JO11 5 734 147 G8SRC/P 370 40 4-4EPS6/4  
FSR 31 G8VPE JO02 3 527 176 G8SRC/P 268 30 3 El H/Brew    
FSR 32 GM3TAL IO86 4 326 82 GM3HAM/P 132 25 4 ELE YAGI    
FSR 33 G8OMB IO92 2 166 83 G3ZME/P 91 40 offset dipole    

144 MHz (59 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 487 195,038 400 EA2T 964 800 4x7,4x6 Poor weather and conditions. Many thanks for all the qsos  
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 192 73,170 381 ON6ZY/P 857 500 2x12+4x5 Slow going on Saturday, picked up a little on Sunday. Conditions average at best.
R 3 G6IPU/P JO02 148 53,360 361 SN7L 1000 100 Yagi Very wet and windy, but great fun. Thanks for the QSOs.  
R 4 G0FBB/P JO01 164 49,535 302 EA1IT 989 100 17ele M Squared yagi    
Open 5 G3PYE/P JO02 165 42,554 258 DR7C 847 700 17-ele    
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 133 41,615 313 F6HMQ 832 100 17ELE A few heavy showers Sunday lunchtime but WX OK. Cold at night in tents though. Didn't work GJ or GD  
Open 7 G8SRC/P IO91 189 41,533 220 HB9N 797 500 1x12 & 1x8    
Open 8 G3SRT/P IO82 185 37,668 204 DR2L 848 1000 12 ele 8 ele Yagis    
R 9 G3ZME/P IO82 173 35,969 208 HB9N 928 100 11 element    
Open 10 GW3ZTT/P IO82 162 29,745 184 AM5R 1275 400 2 x 16 element Poor Wet
R 11 G3PIA/P IO91 117 26,391 226 DR7C 939 100 16 Element Wet and windy, activity poor, conditions not good Fun weekend though! Harwell ARS  
R 12 G2BQY/P IO81 119 25,646 216 HB9N 826 100 9 ele Owl Poor conditions and not much dx but enjoyed by all members  
L 13 GW1YBB/P IO81 108 22,175 205 PA1T 685 5 homebrew 9 ele 3hrs backpacker.lots heavy showers but setup/down dry! Wow Static rain before start-gone during-Wow! Several DL hrd,none wkd.Thx all,Steve  
Open 14 G6AAQ/P IO92 109 21,229 195 HB9N 833 300 2x 9element a great weekend had by all thanks to all who worked us on 2 metres  
Open 15 G3WKS/P JO01 97 20,392 210 GM4CXM 619 250 11 ele Yagi    
Open 16 G4ATH/P IO83 90 17,528 195 F1FPL 583 300 17 Ele tonna    
L 17 MW0LKX/P IO82 83 17,337 209 PA1T 671 25 9Ele LFA Homebrew 3hrs Hill Toppers Setup dry in between showers, heard an OM a few times but got away, lots of big stations close by 73 Wayne
R 18 G1DSP/P IO92 79 15,634 198 DR4L 640 100 17 ele Tonna    
MS 19 G3MDG/P IO91 85 14,935 176 DR1H 866 100 9 ele    
MS 20 G4ALE/P IO90 71 12,206 172 HB9N 694 100 WiMo Big Wheel Very windy at start Some good distances worked. Noticeable lack of station due to football. Some static rain for Sunday.  
R 21 M0AAA/P IO91 62 8,585 138 F8KID 588 100 9 el LFA    
L 22 G3VEF/P IO91 48 6,918 144 DF0MU 600 25 13 Ele Tonna Beam    
L 23 G0OLE/P IO93 33 5,400 164 TM5R 516 25 Halo Very quiet on Saturday evening !  
R 24 M0REG/P IO90 19 3,816 201 DL4M 556 100 10 ele 2m Yagi - Horizontal pol    
R 25 MD0MAN/P IO74 11 3,704 337 G5LK/P 522 100 9 ele Tonna Tnx all in the log  
R 26 G4EKT/P IO94 10 1,904 190 TM5R 520 100 3 Ele Yagi  
R 27 G4DYC JO02 7 1,152 165 TM5R 338 100 Vertical Colinear    
L 28 M0KLU IO83 4 205 51 G3ZME/P 71 10 4 Element Yagi    
FSO 29 G4PIQ JO02 113 43,907 389 OL1C 881 1000 17el F9FT A few hours in and out of the shack. Nasty static rain at the end. Thanks to all the portables for their efforts!  
FSO 30 M0VZA JO01 52 22,328 429 M7GMI 9240 200 16 Element Tonna  
FSO 31 MM0CEZ IO75 29 12,507 431 TM5R 801 400 2 x 9 Element M2 Flat condx. Nice to work TM5R and EI9E/p the only 2 Eu stations heard.  
FSR 32 G0JDL JO02 37 12,427 336 DR1H 740 100 Antennas-Amplifiers 5-ele Only part-time operating but very enjoyable. good activity from the continent.  
FSR 33 M0UHF IO91 64 11,810 185 HB9N 780 100 13 E CUSHCRAFT    
FSO 34 G3XDY JO02 37 10,923 295 DK0NA 750 400 12 ele M2 Yagi Noise during daylight hours restricted operation on this band.  
FSR 35 PE1EWR JO11 35 10,860 310 EI9E/P 717 75 PA-144-9-5A  
FSR 36 F1CBC JN09 37 10,549 285 GM3HAM/P 656 80 9 els yagi Very bad conditions, Noise, QRM and QSBThanks for QSO.73 Philippe..  
FSR 37 G0JRY IO91 46 7,729 168 OR6T 431 100 tonna 9e  
FSR 38 G4HZG IO93 3 7,350 2450 PA1T 544 40 13B2 Yagi Deep QSB. Very windy. Early closedown because of threat of lightning.  
FSR 39 G0GJV IO91 40 7,347 184 F8KID 568 100 9 ele dual    
FSR 40 G8ZRE IO83 39 6,959 178 TM5R 521 50 8 XY Element Yagi Main effort 144/50. Very quiet hope I helped NFD stations.Dave G8ZRE
FSR 41 M0NVS IO91 42 6,322 151 EI9E/P 442 100 8 Ele Lfa Seemed slow but then only in & out of shack for a short while. Thanks to the portables out in the horrid weather. 73 Phil
FSO 42 M0WLF IO81 28 6,020 215 OR6T 526 400 17B2 CUSHCRAFT    
FSR 43 G3OHM IO92 36 5,166 144 MM0CEZ 408 100 DUAL PA144-432-19-3    
FSR 44 G5RS IO91 30 5,025 168 GM3HAM/P 473 100 8 ele LFA Well done to the /P stations out in the bad wx. 73 de Guildford & DRS  
FSR 45 G0EAK IO93 26 4,834 186 TM5R 457 75 5 Ele LFA    
FSR 46 G4HGI IO83 21 4,546 216 ON4KHG 557 40 8JXX2 all /p stations except 2 just too many things going on this weekend  
FSR 47 G3WGN IO80 10 4,102 410 OR6T 602 100 6el @ 6m    
FSR 48 G0BIX JO01 21 3,861 184 EI9E/P 519 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
FSR 49 G4EPA IO92 18 3,198 178 EI9E/P 385 100 9 element Just giving away some points  
FSR 50 GW4RWR IO83 14 2,867 205 G5LK/P 396 30 9 el portable Tonna My last 2 QSOs are in support of BP3  
FSR 51 G8VPE JO02 12 2,815 235 DR1H 747 100 9 ele F9FT Easier to work EU than UK from here.  
FSR 52 G8OMB IO92 15 2,102 140 GM3HAM/P 315 50 5/8 element DK7ZB    
FSR 53 G7LWV IO91 14 1,536 110 TM5R 295 25 Loft dipole    
FSR 54 M0BGR JO01 16 1,468 92 TM5R 248 5 Dual Band Halo    
FSR 55 G8DTF IO83 7 1,147 164 EI9E/P 318 90 Halo    
FSR 56 2E0SHB IO92 8 1,092 136 G5LK/P 242 50 Yagi    
FSR 57 2E0IHS IO91 10 794 79 G5LK/P 172 50 Diamond A144S10R    
FSR 58 G3TDH IO83 5 369 74 G3ZME/P 102 100 vetrical in loft! Just a few minutes on my loft vertical It's a long time since I made a proper field entry!  
FSR 59 G1MZD IO92 5 328 66 G8SRC/P 91 25 Colinear Just a token entry with the Colinear glad to give a few points. tnx. Dave  

432 MHz (37 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 90 35,858 398 PI4GN 909 400 4x22 Poor conditions but some nice AS QSOs. Low activity from the UK.
Open 2 G3PYE/P JO02 68 16,918 249 DJ8MS 796 700 4*19-ele 19-ele 4*2-ele    
R 3 G6IPU/P JO02 43 14,783 344 DM3F 856 100 24ele Yagi Very wet and windy, but great fun!  
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 45 14,048 312 F6DKW 808 100 38 element Weather gods were on holiday in SW Scotland. Mostly sun and blue skies - a couple of showers. Propagation poor and activity low.
L 5 G2BQY/P IO81 51 10,599 208 DF2VJ 706 25 27 ele A frustrating lack of responses to KST meeps. Poor condions but some good AS QSOs.  
R 6 G3PIA/P IO91 47 10,066 214 DF0MU 593 100 Tonna 21 Wet and windy, activity poor, conditions not good Fun weekend though! Harwell ARS  
R 7 G3SRT/P IO82 48 8,259 172 PI4GN 658 100 18 ELE YAGI    
L 8 G3ZME/P IO82 47 8,174 174 DF0MU 693 25 24 ele LFA HB    
L 9 M0NFD/P IO94 22 5,891 268 DN2LH/P 603 25 19 ele Tonna    
R 10 G8SRC/P IO91 28 5,553 198 OR6T 469 50 15 Element Yagi    
MS 11 G3MDG/P IO91 31 5,379 174 DL8QS 665 50 21 ele    
R 12 G3SRC/P IO91 34 4,165 122 EI9E/P 482 100 28 ele loop yagi    
R 13 M0AAA/P IO91 20 2,192 110 OR6T 418 75 22 el LFA    
L 14 G4EKT/P IO94 5 383 77 G3CKR/P 139 10 6ele Yagi    
L 15 M0REG/P IO90 1 271 271 G3CKR/P 271 20 15 ele Yagi    
R 16 G4DYC JO02 1 36 36 G6IPU/P 36 75 Vertical Colinear Hrd OR6T on cw-but faded out.So no other contacts 73, Mike  
FSO 17 G3XDY JO02 38 15,602 411 DM5D 836 400 28 ele M2 Yagi Some nice DX available but very quiet inland from here.  
FSR 18 GM4JTJ IO86 15 7,694 513 SM6VTZ 872 100 21ele Giving away points  
FSO 19 PE1EWR JO11 20 5,767 288 EI9E/P 717 50 2*21el F9FT  
FSR 20 G0EAK IO93 16 3,988 249 DF0MU 572 50 11 Ele LFA    
FSR 21 G0GJV IO91 17 3,352 197 GM3HAM/P 445 100 16 ele Dual    
FSR 22 M0NVS IO91 15 3,107 207 EI9E/P 442 100 18 Ele Lfa Seemed slow but then only in & out of shack for a short while. Thanks to the portables out in the horrid weather. 73 Phil
FSR 23 F1CBC JN09 12 2,944 245 EI9E/P 582 20 9 els yagi Very bad conditions, Noise, QRM and QSBThanks for QSO.73 Philippe...  
FSR 24 G0JDL JO02 10 2,642 264 EI9E/P 565 75 Antennas-Amplifiers 8-ele Rather hard going on this band. Difficult to work UK stations.  
FSR 25 G5RS IO91 17 2,573 151 GM3HAM/P 473 75 21ele TONNA Fun entry at the Guildford Model Engineering soc. Gala weekend. Shame about the weather. Guildford DRS  
FSR 26 G0JRY IO91 14 2,465 176 OR6T 431 75 tonna 9e  
FSO 27 G8OHM IO92 9 2,079 231 OR6T 500 75 21 element    
FSR 28 G4HGI IO83 10 2,065 206 G5LK/P 380 15 25jxx70 thanks to all 73 all /p  
FSR 29 G4EPA IO92 8 1,472 184 EI9E/P 385 100 19 element Just giving away some points  
FSR 30 G0BIX JO01 7 1,238 177 EI9E/P 519 100 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
FSR 31 G8ZRE IO83 5 556 111 G5LK/P 369 20 15 Element Yagi Main effort 144/50. Very quiet hope I helped NFD stations.Dave G8ZRE
FSR 32 G8PCB IO91 2 508 254 OR6T 473 20 8 El Yagi WX so bad at Club hilltop site that entry abandoned. From home, 2m impossible due to QRN from thunderstorms, so 70cm.  
FSR 33 G8VPE JO02 3 421 140 OR6T 297 15 19Y F9FT    
FSR 34 G8DTF IO83 2 401 200 EI9E/P 318 70 Halo    
FSR 35 G8OMB IO92 2 166 83 G3ZME/P 91 40 5/8 element DK7ZB    
FSR 36 M0BGR JO01 2 116 58 G0VHF/P 96 5 HLP-270 Halo    
FSR 37 2E0SHB IO92 1 79 79 G3CKR/P 79 25 Yagi    

1,3 GHz (20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
R 1 G2BQY/P IO81 39 11,333 291 DF0MU 685 100 67 ele Wimo Low activity, especially from UK stations. Condions poor but some good AS QSOs. Is there a future for VHF NFD with such low support??  
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 29 10,418 359 F6DKW 759 200 67ele Poor conditions and few stations active.
R 3 G3PIA/P IO91 35 8,827 252 DF0MU 593 100 Tonna 55 Wet and windy, activity poor, conditions not good Fun weekend though! Harwell ARS  
Open 4 GW3ZTT/P IO82 28 5,173 185 DC1EHG 717 200 2 x 60 element Poor Wet
L 5 G3ZME/P IO82 34 4,970 146 GM4CXM 388 20 68-ele Tonna    
L 6 G8SRC/P IO91 13 1,760 135 EI9E/P 362 10 12 ele Quad Loop    
MS 7 G3MDG/P IO91 11 1,540 140 ON4CJQ/P 393 10 44 ele WiMo    
R 8 MD0MAN/P IO74 4 1,202 300 G0VHF/P 469 10 15 ele yagi tnx all in the log  
FSO 9 G3XDY JO02 31 13,876 448 DH5YM 851 400 4 x 23 ele Yagi Good DX available but pretty quiet inland.  
FSO 10 G3TCU IO91 15 4,236 282 DC1EHG 584 300 44 ele Some short sessions giving ponts away,shame about the Wx for the /Ps!
FSO 11 G8OHM IO92 23 4,041 176 PI4GN 591 400 4 x x23 element Used a paper log only, lost 3 QSOs as that part of one page didn't make it home...  
FSR 12 GW4JQP IO71 13 3,609 278 G5LK/P 456 25 35 ele Tonna Thanks for the contacts especially the portables. Conditions fair with several fails that normally work.  
FSO 13 PE1EWR JO11 12 3,182 265 DG5NFF 577 80 2*25 el Loopyagi  
FSR 14 G6GVI IO83 13 2,046 157 G5LK/P 375 20 27-ele loop-quad    
FSR 15 G4EPA IO92 10 1,863 186 EI9E/P 385 100 35 element Just giving away some points  
FSR 16 G0JDL JO02 4 801 200 DF0MU 393 10 Antennas-Amplifiers 18-ele Very hard going. Several failed QSOs and a thunderstorm near the end.  
FSR 17 G0JRY IO91 5 548 110 GW3ZTT/P 179 10 tonna 23e  
FSR 18 M0NVS IO91 3 278 93 G5LK/P 143 100 44 Ele Wimo Seemed slow but then only in & out of shack for a short while. Thanks to the portables out in the horrid weather. 73 Phil
FSR 19 G1JJA IO92 3 182 61 G3SRT/P 103 25 44 ele Wimo    
FSR 20 F1CBC JN09 2 121 60 F4HOG 82 10 23 els yagi Very bad conditions, Noise, QRM and QSBThanks for QSO.73 Philippe...  

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