Date 9 Jan 24 Time 1900-1955 (UTC)
Date 13 Feb 24 Time 1900-1955 (UTC)
Date 12 Mar 24 Time 1900-1955 (UTC)
Date 9 Apr 24 Time 1800-1855 (UTC)
Date 14 May 24 Time 1800-1855 (UTC)
Date 11 Jun 24 Time 1800-1855 (UTC)
Date 9 Jul 24 Time 1800-1855 (UTC)
Date 13 Aug 24 Time 1800-1855 (UTC)
Date 10 Sep 24 Time 1800-1855 (UTC)
Date 8 Oct 24 Time 1800-1855 (UTC)
Date 12 Nov 24 Time 1900-1955 (UTC)
Date 10 Dec 24 Time 1900-1955 (UTC)
Introduction These contests are intended to provide a place where stations who have FM equipment can come on and get a feel for contesting, and hopefully move-on over time to more conventional contesting on SSB. As such - we've tried to make the rules simple and equipment requirements simple and are open to non RSGB members .
Band Contest activity should only take place between 432.525 MHz . 432.975 MHz and 433.400 MHz . 433.475 MHz. There are gaps left here specifically to ensure that space remains on the bands for non-contest participants during these short events. Please take care to avoid interference to other established QSOs / data links etc. FM deviation should be set suitable for 25 kHz channel spacing.
Mode FM
Exchange RS(T), Serial Number (starting at 001 on each date) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator
Scoring One Point per Kilometre
UK Contest Callsigns Not allowed
VHF BAND PLAN The RSGB Band Plan must be followed in all VHF contest see here for details
Full Licensees

The power output must be not more than 50W PEP at the final output stage or external amplifier connection to the antenna. No antenna restrictions.
Intermediate Licensees

Intermediate Licensees only, also the power output must be not more than 50W PEP at the final output stage or external amplifier connection to the antenna. No antenna restrictions.
Foundation Licensees

Foundation Licensees only, also the power output must be not more than 25W at the final output stage or external amplifier connection to the antenna. No antenna restrictions.
General Rules
General Rules for all RSGB VHF/UHF/SHF contests can be found here
Special Rules for this Contest
a. The individual entries by a club's members to the FM activity contests, all count towards a society's overall score for an FMAC championship. To maximise the club score, it's important for the club contest organiser to get as many members to come on for as many sessions as possible.

b. Club members must either operate within or have their home QTH (as shown on their Ofcom validation document) within a circle of radius 80km from their Club's Virtual Meeting Place to have their score count towards the club score. However, members may be based outside the 80km radius if there are no other AFS within that 80km. Stations must state their UK&CD Postcode or UK&CD QTH locator of their home QTH when entering their log. There is no distance restriction on where their station is operated.

c. Stations enter the FMAC contests in the normal way, and can optionally choose an AFS (affiliated society) name when uploading their log. Entries to all sections of the FMAC count towards the overall club score which is the simple sum of the normalised scores of each team member operating that month.

d. Stations who enter on behalf of an affiliated society must be members of the affiliated society, but not necessarily RSGB members themselves.

e. The maximum number of sessions that will count towards the final individual scores will be EIGHT. Only the lowest scoring entries are discarded.

f. All sessions will count towards the total club score.

g. All clubs taking part must be Affiliated to the RSGB.

g. A list of all affiliated societies that have registered for RSGB Contests can be found here
Pete, G4CLA
Entry Date Within 7 days
Log Entry Upload your log here
Log Generator Transcribe your log online here
Claimed Scores Enter your claimed score here
Web Results Date of results 19/10/24; Available here
Email Alerts Set up an Email Alert for this contest