Date 16 Jan 24 Time 2000-2230 (UTC)
Date 20 Feb 24 Time 2000-2230 (UTC)
Date 19 Mar 24 Time 2000-2230 (UTC)
Date 16 Apr 24 Time 1900-2130 (UTC)
Date 21 May 24 Time 1900-2130 (UTC)
Date 18 Jun 24 Time 1900-2130 (UTC)
Date 16 Jul 24 Time 1900-2130 (UTC)
Date 20 Aug 24 Time 1900-2130 (UTC)
Date 17 Sep 24 Time 1900-2130 (UTC)
Date 15 Oct 24 Time 1900-2130 (UTC)
Date 19 Nov 24 Time 2000-2230 (UTC)
Date 17 Dec 24 Time 2000-2230 (UTC)
Band 23cms
Modes SSB, CW, FM, AM, JT6M, ISCAT and FSK441
Exchange RS(T), Serial Number (starting at 001 on each date) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator
Scoring One Point per Kilometre + squares bonus (B4)
UK Contest Callsigns Not allowed
VHF BAND PLAN The RSGB Band Plan must be followed in all VHF contest see here for details

Standard licence conditions and no antenna restrictions.

The power output must be not more than 100W PEP (50W on 4m) at the final output stage or external amplifier connection to the antenna.
Only one antenna may be used. Stacked, bayed and slot antennas are not allowed. Backfire or parabolic dish type antennas must not exceed 2 metres in diameter.
Low Power

The power output must not exceed 10W PEP at the final output stage or external amplifier connection to the antenna.
Only one antenna may be used. Stacked, bayed and slot antenna arrays may not be used. Backfire or parabolic dish type antennas must not exceed 2 metres in diameter
General Rules
General Rules for all RSGB VHF/UHF/SHF contests can be found here
Special Rules for this Contest
These contests are timed to co-incide with the last two hours of a number of European activity contests, with an extra half hour at the end to encourage intra UK&CD activity. They take place on Tuesdays from 2000-2230 local time with 144 MHz on the 1st Tuesday of the month, 432 MHz on the 2nd Tuesday, 1.3 GHz on the 3rd Tuesday, and 13cms to 3cms on the 4th Tuesday and on Thursdays from 2000-2230 with 50MHz on the 2nd Thursday and 70 MHz on the 3rd Thursday in the month.

When operating on 2320MHz, please observe the guidance here to avoid interference to the Primary user.

A UK&CD station is required to be at one or both ends of a QSO for it to be valid.

Please submit an entry after each session in which you are active.

On bands 23cms and below scores will be normalised for each section in each session as follows.
Score for each section/session = ((number of entrants+1)-(position of entrant))*1000/(number of entrants)

On bands 13cms and above the scores will be normalised for each section as follows.
Score for each band/session = 1000 * square root of (Score achieved divided by session leader score).

Any entries with a zero score will be given a zero normalised score and will not be included in the count of the number of entrants in that section/band for the purposes of calculating other normalised scores.

The maximum number of sessions that will count towards the final individual scores will be EIGHT. Only the lowest scoring entries are discarded.

Note that ALL sessions count towards your club score.

It is impossible for you to determine your best sessions without knowing everyone else's scores, so please submit your logs and scores from all sessions in which you were active and allow the adjudicator to calculate your best sessions.

Stations may change section and move location between individual activity periods.

Certificates will be awarded to the overall winners and runners-up in each section and on each band in the same way as per the general rules. No certificates will be awarded for the individual events.
A certificate will be awarded to the station who provides the most stations with the best DX on each band across the year (the SHF contest will count as a single band)
a. The individual entries by a club's members to the UK&CD activity contests which take place on Tuesday and Thursday in every month, all count towards a society's overall score for the year for each UKAC. To maximise the club score, it's important for the club contest organiser to get as many members to come on for as many sessions as possible.

b. There are two categories for clubs, 'General' and 'Local'.
Clubs wishing to enter the 'Local' category must specify a Virtual Meeting Place (VMP) -- a reference point from which distances are measured, and which need not have any connection with the Society's activities. Societies must email the UK&CD Postcode or UK&CD 6-digit QTH locator of their VMP to afs.query@rsgbcc.org before the first relevant contest entry of each calendar year. The UKAC VMP may be different from that used for other AFS based contests. An affiliated society must enter the same club category for every UKAC band.

c. Society members in the Local Category must either operate within or have their home QTH (as shown on their Ofcom validation document) within a circle of radius 80km from their Club's Virtual Meeting Place. However, members may be based outside the 80km radius if there are no other AFS within that 80Km. Stations must state their UK&CD Postcode or UK&CD QTH locator of their home QTH when entering their log on behalf of a club in the 'Local' section. There is no distance restriction on where their station is operated.

d. Stations enter the UKAC contests in the normal way, but need to choose an AFS (affiliated society) name when uploading their log. Entries to all sections of the UKAC count towards the overall club score which is the simple sum of the normalised scores of each team member operating that month.

e. Stations who enter on behalf of an affiliated society must be members of the affiliated society, but not necessarily RSGB members themselves.

f. Stations may enter on behalf of a different club for each UKAC band (6m, 4m, 2m, 70cms, 23cms and SHF). Stations may make one change of club during the year where their circumstances change. In exceptional circumstances, we may choose to not allow a club change if we believe it is for the purposes of artificially manipulating the overall club results.

g. All sessions will count towards the total club score.

h. All clubs's taking part must be Affiliated to the RSGB.

i. A list of all affiliated societies that have registered for RSGB Contests can be found here

Quin, G3WRR
Entry Date Within 7 days after each activity period
Log Entry Upload your log here
Log Generator Transcribe your log online here
Claimed Scores Enter your claimed score here
Web Results Date of results 09/10/24; Available here
Email Alerts Set up an Email Alert for this contest