VHF Fixed Station Contest
Date 5-6 Jul 25 Time 1400-1400 (UTC)
Bands 6m , 4m , 2m , 70cms , 23cms
Modes SSB, CW, FM, AM, JT6M, and FSK441
Exchange Contest exchange is RST plus serial number
Scoring One Point per Kilometre+ Number of NFD/Backpackers portable stations worked (B7)
UK Contest Callsigns Not allowed
VHF BAND PLAN The RSGB Band Plan must be followed in all VHF contest see here for details
Fixed Station Open

(i) Open to fixed stations only operating from the main station address as shown on their licence validation document.

(ii) Scoring is 1 point per kilometre for each QSO.

(iii) The final score on each band will be the number of points plus a bonus of 500 points for each QSOs made with stations that enter VHF NFD or the Backpackers contest. The list of registered stations for VHF NFD can be found at http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfposted.pl?Contest=VHF%20NFD%20Registration . This this may not be a complete list as registration is optional.

(iv) Maximum output power as permitted by standard full licence conditions. No antenna restrictions.

(v) Operate on up to 5 bands from the following list.

50MHz (6m) 1400 to 2200 Saturday (all mode)

70MHz (4m) 0800 to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

144MHz (2m) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

432MHz (70cm) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

1.3GHz (23cm) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

Fixed Station Restricted

(i) Open to fixed stations only operating from the main station address as shown on their licence validation document.

(ii) Scoring is 1 point per kilometre for each QSO.

(iii) The final score on each band will be the number of points plus a bonus of 500 points for each QSOs made with stations that enter VHF NFD or the Backpackers contest. The list of registered stations for VHF NFD can be found at http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfposted.pl?Contest=VHF%20NFD%20Registration . This this may not be a complete list as registration is optional.

(iv) The power output on any band must not exceed 100W PEP at the transmitter, except on 4m where output is restricted to 50W. Only one antenna per band may be used (i.e. no stacked, bayed,slot or colinear arrays or switching between two or more antennas). Dish or Backfire antennas must not exceed 2m diameter.

(v) Operate on up to 5 bands from the following list.

50MHz (6m) 1400 to 2200 Saturday (all mode)

70MHz (4m) 0800 to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

144MHz (2m) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

432MHz (70cm) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

1.3GHz (23cm) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

Fixed Station QRP

(i) Open to fixed stations only operating from the main station address as shown on their licence validation document.

(ii) Scoring is 1 point per kilometre for each QSO.

(iii) The final score on each band will be the number of points plus a bonus of 500 points for each QSOs made with stations that enter VHF NFD or the Backpackers contest. The list of registered stations for VHF NFD can be found at http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfposted.pl?Contest=VHF%20NFD%20Registration . This this may not be a complete list as registration is optional.

(iv) The power output on any band must not exceed 10W PEP at the transmitter. Only one antenna per band may be used (i.e. no stacked, bayed,slot or colinear arrays or switching between two or more antennas). Dish or Backfire antennas must not exceed 2m diameter.

(v) Operate on up to 5 bands from the following list.

50MHz (6m) 1400 to 2200 Saturday (all mode)

70MHz (4m) 0800 to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

144MHz (2m) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

432MHz (70cm) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

1.3GHz (23cm) 1400 Saturday to 1400 Sunday (all mode)

General Rules
General Rules for all RSGB VHF/UHF/SHF contests can be found here
Pete, G4CLA
Entry Date Within 7 days
Log Entry Upload your log here
Log Generator Transcribe your log online here
Claimed Scores Enter your claimed score here
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