
RSGB Contest Results AFS Contest PHONE 2024   
v4.158 by G4CLA

RSGB 80/40m SSB AFS Contest 2024

Another year into the current solar cycle and the critical frequency once again stayed above 7MHz until about an hour before local sunset.  UK&CD entrants therefore enjoyed good inter-G propagation on 40m from the start with some very high run rates achieved in the first hour.  Activity on 80m started around 1420 UTC but most entrants delayed their move until around 1500.  Some participants found 40m worth revisiting a second or third time before the end.  The HA DX contest was underway from 1200 UTC and there were many Eu stations also available for a contest QSO, mainly on 40m but also on 80m.  One DX contact was made with TA and a few with YB, all on 40m.

Total logs submitted were slightly higher than last year with generally very good logging standards being maintained.  However, entrants are reminded that if not using rig control, please ensure your log shows the correct band for each contact as a number of QSOs were disallowed for incorrect band notation.

Congratulations to all the Trophy and certificate winners, as usual certificates have been awarded to the leading three, two and single station teams in both club categories.  Historically winning the AFS leading club Trophy on all modes has been dominated by entrants in the General club category so well done to Local club entrant Cray Valley RS 'A' team for taking the Trophy this year.  The band leaders are Fred G4BWP (M7Z) with 204 QSOs on 80m and Ric M5RIC (MD7C) making 389 QSOs from two sessions on 40m.  Thanks also to all the non-UK stations for their participation and continued support.

This is the penultimate contest in the 23/24 Superleague, the final event is the 432MHz AFS on Sunday 4th February.

John G4CZB

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 23/24  HF Championship