
RSGB Contest Results Club Calls (1.8MHz AFS) 2024   
v4.158 by G4CLA

1.8 Mhz `Club Calls ` AFS contest  2024

There was a small decrease in the number of entrants to 2023,  with 106 station entries for adjudication this year, down on 115 last year. A total of 45 club teams were represented, a small decrease on 2023.There were 15 teams in the General section and 30 in the Local club section. A total of 48 stations entered the SSB section and 55 entered the Mixed section.

Band conditions were poor at the start with high QRN  and deep QSB reported by many. Many entrants reported local noise as the main issue. Stations with high dipoles did best as ever, and many used jury rigged bent dipole and inverted L antennas, and some braved the cold with portable entries.

Congratulations to Spalding and District ARS  'A' for winning the David Hill G4IQM Memorial Trophy for the leading Club team, also the leading Local team, just ahead of Camb-Hams  `A', then Bristol Contest Group.

De Montfort University ARS had the leading General club team score, followed by Addiscombe ARC, then Harwell ARS `A'.

Congratulations to M7W (G3TBK) for winning the Ariel Trophy for 1st UK & CD station in the individual station competition. Second place goes to G4ARI, followed byG7C (M0CKE), all in the mixed section. M0VFC headed the SSB only section, followed by G0AKC.

Logs were to a good standard, with just a few requiring rework. One station sent the wrong club ID, and one used an invalid HQ club ID and was moved  to checklog. Thanks go again to Graham G4FNL who ran the bonus station GX6XX, making 144 contacts.


Mike G3VYI

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 24/25  HF Championship