Contest Multipliers 2011
Post Code and Country Multipliers. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries and UK post code areas worked on that band.
A full list of DXCCs can be found here
A full list of Postcodes can be found here
QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different large locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band
Post Code, Country and QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries, U.K. post code areas, and large QTH locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band.
A full list of DXCCs can be found here
A full list of Postcodes can be found here
Country and QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries, and large QTH locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band
A full list of DXCCs can be found here