Contest Multipliers 2016

Post Code and Country Multipliers. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries and UK post code areas worked on that band.
A full list of DXCCs can be found here A full list of Postcodes can be found here

QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different large locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band

Post Code, Country and QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries, U.K. post code areas, and large QTH locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band.
A full list of DXCCs can be found here A full list of Postcodes can be found here

Country and QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries, and large QTH locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band
A full list of DXCCs can be found here

UK QTH Locator Multipliers. The multiplier is the sum of the number of different large locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band. Only contacts with UK stations (G, GW, GM, GI, GD, GU, GJ) count for multipliers.

All large square locators count as multipliers; A locator in which a UK station has been worked counts as a double multiplier