Contest Logfile Uploader :-Section/Club Selection
     1704 logs received
V12.61 by G4CLA

Now select the section you have entered.
Choose your club (if any) from the drop down list.
If your club is not listed or you have a "A" and "B" team then you can enter/edit it later
Then click on the "NEXT" button

This contest is coordinated with an IARU Region 1 contest. Your log can be automatically forwarded for entry into the IARU contest.This is not mandatory. To have the log sent please choose the IARU section, the rules can be found here. Note if you want to be considered for an IARU contest award you must upload your log directly to the IARU contest robot.
IARU Section

Once you have completed the log submission process we
strongly suggest you check your entry appears on the logs received page here