
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2024   
v4.158 by G4CLA

50 MHz AFS Contest

This year's event attracted 64 entries, well down on last year's total of 75.

Also well down were the conditions : a brief skim through the soapboxes makes depressing reading!  However, there was some sporadic 'E' (with the emphasis on sporadic) which yielded contacts with 9 DXCCs:  9A, I, OE, OH, OK, OZ, S51, SM and SP.

The best ODX was between G7RAU and 9A9J at a distance of 1812 kms, not shabby but a far cry from last year's record performances.

Congratulations to all the certificate winners listed below.  As can be seen, the Camb-Hams 'A' team continued their unbeaten run in the Local Clubs section but, in the General Clubs table, Harwell ARS finally topped the podium for the first time after several 'near misses' in recent years.  Both clubs also lead their sections in this early stage of the Superleague 24/25 competition.

The next AFS contest is the 1.8 MHz Club Calls event on 9 November starting at 2000 UTC.

73 Graham G0NBI

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 24/25