
RSGB Contest Results AFS Superleague 21/22   
v4.158 by G4CLA


The 2021/22 AFS Super League once again consisted of eight qualifying events and presented separate listings for General Clubs and Local Clubs. The qualifying events provided a good spread of frequencies and modes, covering bands from 160m to 70cm using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK63. A total of 101 Affiliated Societies (61 Local Club and 40 General Club) submitted entries. Although this was 14% down on the 20/21 season, nearly a third of participating clubs were able to field more than one single team of four entrants (on which scoring is based): 31 clubs were able to do so, and a total of 147 teams, involving 1131 individual entries, appeared across all eight qualifying AFS contests. At least two clubs were able to enter A, B, C and D teams in some sessions.

In the Local Club category the leading entrant for the sixth consecutive year and winner of the Hadley Wood Contest Group Trophy is Camb-Hams with 7856 points (1.4% down on last year's score), winning three of the eight sessions. Second place was taken by Grimsby ARS (who have taken second place for four consecutive years) and third place by Tall Trees CG, up one place from last year.

In the General Club category the leading entrant for the second consecutive year is Addiscombe ARC with 6973 (6.5% up on last years score) winning two of the eight sessions.  In second place is Harwell ARS (who took fifth place in the Local Club category last year) and in third place Weekend CG (up one place from 2020/21).

Certificates are awarded to the leading three clubs in each category. In addition Certificates of Achievement are awarded to ten clubs (seven in the Local Club category and three in the General Club category) which were able to field stations in each of the eight qualifying AFS contests and also gained 250 or more Super League Points (SLPs) in each. A further three clubs entered all eight sessions but were not able to gain the necessary (SLPs).

Thanks to all participating Affiliated Societies and individual stations - including those who didn't make it into their club's 'top teams', their entries are still important: and congratulations to those gaining awards.

That's it for the 2021/22 season - hope to work you in 2022/23.....

Quin Collier G3WRR


AFS Super League 2021-22 2021