RSGB 3.5MHz Club Championship Contests | ||||||||||||||||||||||
series of short evening contests on 3.5MHz, promoting competition
between Affiliated Societies. Individual scores in every event count
towards a Society's overall score. A rolling listing is maintained on
the Contest Committee HF Contests web page. If you have any queries
about these rules, please e-mail
Rules changes for 2025: 1. On a trial basis for 2025, self-spotting is permitted
1. Objective | To
accumulate a good score for your club/team by entering as many contests
in the series as possible, on all four modes. Clubs are asked to
encourage their members to take part on their behalf. |
2. Date & Time |
On Mondays, Wednesdays or
Thursdays only - click
here for specific dates. February and March : 2000-2130 UTC April, May, June, July : 1900-2030 UTC QSOs will not be accepted at or past the end time |
On PSK63 and RTTY, entrants must ensure that their transmitted signal is within the above frequency limits.
Note: In DATA contests, using a facility that shows callsigns on more than one frequency (e.g. using a multi-channel decoder) places the entrant in the assisted category Entrants may change Section from one contest to another. Only one signal may be transmitted at any one time. |
(a) These are contests between
Affiliated Societies, represented by members in each Session of the
series (b) There is no limit to the number who can participate on behalf
of their Society, but entrants may represent only one Affiliated
Society in an individual Session (c) Entries on behalf of Affiliated Societies may only be made by stations located in the UK&CD (d) RSGB Affiliated Societies must enter either the Local or the General Category for the whole of this contest series: (d.i) Local
Category: Entrants representing a Local Society must
operate within a circle having an 80km radius - the centre being the
Society's Virtual Meeting Place (VMP). Exceptionally, those whose home
QTH is within the circle may operate from an alternative or temporary
location elsewhere. One of the officers of
the Society must notify the adjudicators of the chosen VMP - specified
by the UK&CD Postcode or 6-digit QTH locator, by email to
before any of the Society members enter an event of the series. In the
notification email, Societies that have not already registered a VMP
must state their chosen VMP, the Society's RSGB membership number and
the Society's call sign. This VMP will be used in all HF and VHF
contests in which the Society enters the Local Category. Entrants must state the UK&CD Postcode or 6-digit QTH locator of their location or home QTH, for each event when submitting their entry to the contest Robot. (d.ii) General Category: Societies whose members' home QTHs cannot fit within an 80km radius circle, those that do not notify their entry category and those who prefer not to enter the Local Category, will be placed in the General Category. (e)
The operators of Stations representing an Affiliated Society must be
members of that Society, but need not be RSGB members themselves (f) RSGB
members and Non-UK stations may enter as individuals (g) Where a national Affiliated Society has Branches, it may define a separate VMP and enter a separate team, with a different name for each Branch. Similarly, an Affiliated Society in the General Category may enter more than one team. (h) A list of Affiliated Societies that enter RSGB contests showing those that have registered a VMP and giving details of each Society's selection of Local or General categories for all relevant contest series, can be found here. Society selections of Local or General Categories will be carried over to future years, but not to other contest series, so please check the list for your society and use the notification email address to request any changes. (i) If a Society finds it necessary to change their VMP, they should also use the notification email address ( for this. The new information will apply to contests that take place after the change. Please allow a minimum of one week for a change to be implemented. Each Society is responsible for checking that a change does not exclude their members from representing the Society. (j) Stations may be single or multi-operator (k) All Multi-Operator stations are classified as Assisted (l) Multi-Operator entries by RSGB members
may include non-member operators whose highest class of licence is
Foundation or Intermediate (m) Special Contest Callsigns or Club Callsigns may be used (n)
In the CW and Data sessions, single operator stations may enter as Assisted or Unassisted;
scores for Assisted and Unassisted entries will be normalised
separately for the calculation of Club Scores and for the combined
individual scores table. In the SSB sessions, all stations will be classed as Assisted. The normalised score for each entrant
will be their score divided by the score of the section-leading UK&CD entrant, multiplied by 1000. (o) Operation must be from a single Station location where all transmitters, receivers, and antennas are located within a circle of a radius no greater than 500m (p) Remote receivers outside the Station location are not permitted (q) Remote operation of a station is allowed where the operator is situated within the same country on the DXCC list. Additionally an operator's home station, as shown in the licensee's licence documents, may be remotely operated from a location in another country. A remotely operated station must obey all station licence, operator licence, and category conditions. The callsign used must be one issued or permitted by the Regulatory Authority of the remote station location. The location of the Station must also comply with the requirements above. (r) The address of the operator
must be included in the 'Address of Operator when operating Remote from
Station Address' box
on the Station Information Page and the address of the remote station
must be
included in the Cabrillo header 'ADDRESS:' box (s) The RSGB HF Contest Committee may place remotely operated stations in a separate results table (t) Members of the RSGB Contest Club who are not members of another participating Affiliated Society may enter any of the relevant contest series as representatives of the RSGB Contest Club - in the General Category. To join the RSGB Contest Club, you do not need any previous experience of contesting and you will not be obliged to enter any of the Affiliated Society events on behalf of the club. If you wish to join, or need more information, please register with the Club by sending your name, callsign and RSGB membership number by email to |
plus Serial Number starting at 1 and incrementing by 1; entrants will
not be penalised if their sent serial numbers are logged slightly out
of sequence. Please log any exchange that you are sent to the best capability of your logging facility; if you are not sent an exchange, log a zero |
One point per QSO. In the Datamodes events, the same station may be worked once on PSK63 and once on RTTY. The score in Datamodes events is the sum of the score on PSK63 and the score on RTTY. A UK&CD station is required to be at one or both ends of a contact for it to count for points. Stations operating outside the UK&CD are welcome to participate, and their scores will be listed with UK&CD stations in individual tables. Non-UK&CD stations can earn certificates by providing points to UK&CD competitors, but scores from non-UK stations do not contribute to Society scores. An RSGB station (G6XX or a regional variant) may be active during the contest and will submit a Checklog. QSOs with this station will be worth 5 QSO points. The Individual scores table will be based on the best 5 (of 6) scores from each of the three modes – SSB, CW and DATA |
7. Log
Submission and Adjudication |
Submit in Cabrillo format here by 23:59:59 (UTC) on the day following the end of the contest. View the correct Cabrillo format for this contest. Before submission, check that you
have used the correct Cabrillo Mode Codes: Logs must be uploaded individually, using the appropriate Club Name chosen from the list on the contest entry robot. If the robot finds format errors, it will reject the log and ask for resubmission of a corrected logfile. Second and subsequent log uploads may be subject to analysis of any changes that have been made. If you have difficulties preparing or uploading your Cabrillo logfile, please contact the contest adjudicator (see section 11 below) to ask for assistance, before the submission deadline. Adjudicated results will be online and will include online logfiles for all entrants. Errors will incur penalties as outlined in the RSGB HF Adjudication Principles. This penalty will be the loss of an additional 1 QSO point. The use of CAT control to log the correct frequency and mode is highly recommended - you will lose QSO points for frequency or mode errors. |
There will be a listing of Societies for Local and General Categories. There will be separate listings for CW, SSB & Datamodes entrants, showing UK&CD & non-UK&CD together. Awards for RSGB HF Contests are shown here. The trophies for this series of contests are for UK&CD entrants. At the completion of the series, winners of awards and section winners will be indicated in the results tables complete with downloadable certificates. (If you use multiple callsigns during the series they are not able to be combined in the final results) Additionally, at completion of the series, certificates may also be downloaded by all entrants showing their final position in the entry sections in which they have participated based on total QSOs and in a combined score table which will use normalised results from each event. |
(a) Any infringement considered to be outside the spirit of the contest may result in QSOs being disallowed, the entry being reclassified as a Checklog, or the entry being disqualified. (b) Call signs logged must be the same as those exchanged over the air by the entrants during the QSO. Correction of logged call signs and exchanges after the contest, by use of any database, recordings, email or other methods, is not allowed. (c) All requests for contacts, responses to calls, and copying of call signs and contest exchanges must be accomplished during the contest period using the mode and frequencies of the contest. (d) You must send your callsign at least every 3rd QSO and no less often than once a minute. (e) Proof of contact e.g. an MP3 audio recording, may be required as part of the adjudication process. (f) UK&CD
entrants are required to use a Regional Secondary Locator (RSL) where
it is necessary to clarify the entity from which they are operating. Stations operating from England may optionally use the RSL “E”.
If no RSL is used e.g. M0HDG, G6XX or GB4ABC, the station will be
assumed to be in England. The use of a misleading RSL will disqualify
the entry. (g) UK&CD
entrants may append their call sign with one of the following: /A
(Alternative Address), /P (Temporary Location), /M (Mobile) or /MM
(Maritime Mobile) and this will comprise part of the call with which
they enter. Other suffixes used by UK&CD stations, whether or not
they are entrants, will be removed in adjudication and need not be
logged. |
By entering any RSGB HF Contest you declare that: (a) Your station was operated strictly in accordance with the rules and spirit of the contest, within the conditions of your licence, and that the power output from your transmitter was no greater than that permitted in the section of the contest that you are entering. (b) You agree that decisions of the RSGB HF Contest Committee will be final in cases of dispute. (c) By submitting a log entry, you give the RSGB permission to score, amend, publish, republish, print, and otherwise distribute that entry by any means. |
CW: Mike G3VYI SSB: Ian G0FCT DATA: Simone M0BOX |
Updated 4th November 2024 |