
If your club is based in the UK, is affiliated to the RSGB and is likely to enter RSGB contests but is not in this list please email afs.query@rsgbcc.org


AFS Clubs 2013
Group/Club NameVMP
80m CC
Tall Trees CG
YES LocalLocal
Taunton & DARC
YES GeneralGeneral
Telford & DARS
YES GeneralGeneral
Thames ARG
YES GeneralGeneral
Thanet R&EC
YES GeneralGeneral
The Manx Kippers
NO GeneralGeneral
The Vulture Squadron CG
YES GeneralGeneral
Thornbury & Sth Glos ARC
NO GeneralGeneral
Thornton Cleveleys ARS
NO GeneralGeneral
Three As CG
YES GeneralGeneral
Tiverton (SW) RC
YES GeneralGeneral
Torbay ARS
YES LocalGeneral
Travelling Wave CG
NO GeneralGeneral
Trowbridge & DARC
YES GeneralGeneral
Trowbridge & DARC "B"
NO GeneralGeneral
Tyneside ARS
NO GeneralGeneral

16 Clubs