
RSGB Contest Results Overall UKAC 2022   
v4.158 by G4CLA

In a league table of the total number of QSOs made in all the UK Activity contests in a year, 2020 and 2021 are at the top and although activity levels have dropped this year, 2022 still makes it to third place in the table with over 340,000 QSOs made. In particular activity levels on the higher UHF and SHF bands continues to be strong with many new callsigns appearing in logs. These contests are mainly club events and activity levels are driven by those clubs who manage to organise members into being active on the VHF bands. Although these events have a contest element, their main aim it to increase the number of stations who can get on the air, even for a short while, each week/month. The club league tables are split into two sections, 'Local Clubs', defined as clubs whose members all live or operate within 80km of the club's (virtual) meeting place and 'General Clubs' whose members are more widely dispersed, so all clubs can take part.

In the Local Club Section, Hereford have made it an amazing five years in a row at the top of the table with another superb performance, picking up the Bolton Wireless Club Trophy. Behind them in second place, the Parallel Lines CG have made some progress in catching them up, and this year have taken first place on 23cms and in the SHF events. Northampton RC are in third place after a very close battle with Trowbridge & DARC with only 24 points separating the two teams.

In the General Club Section, Northern Fell CG are way out in front this year, having scored a maximum 1,000 points in all 6 events and are awarded the UKAC Club Challenge Trophy for the second year running.  807 ARO are in second place, with 40 members this is the most active group in the UKACs and makes a big contribution to the activity during the year. Wirral & DARC have improved on their 2021 score to move up to third place.

There are a number of movers in this year's top ten of the individual Scores table. David G4ASR has moved up two places to take second place and David M0GHZ has jumped six places to take third spot, with Steve G0EAK only a few points behind having jumped up from 13th in 2021 to fourth this year. Pete G4CLA has managed to stay at the top of the table and is awarded the Bryn Llewellyn G4DEZ Award. Darrell, 2E0VCC has retained his place at the top of the Intermediate Licensee's entrants with Matt 2E0MDJ in second place and James, 2E0OUT just behind in third. There is a new callsign at the top of the Foundation entries list, with Ben M7TXR taking first place in only his second year of contesting, look out for Ben's new call, 2E0TXQ in 2023.  Dave M7ALE is in second place followed by Gary M7EGD in third, who also now has an Intermediate licence, 2E0IGD. This year's leading young operator is Tommy, M7OMY. There are again a welcome number of non-UK entries  this year, the highest placed of which is Conrad, PA5Y, who gives many entrants their best DX across the bands.

The following are also worthy of mention.

  • G4FZN/P, the highest placed station entering only five bands
  • G0EAK, the highest placed station entering all events portable.
  • G1YBB, who scored the maximum 1,000 points on four bands.
  • G0NZI/P who didn't miss a single event during the year, entering 71 logs.
  • GW8ASD who has currently entered more UKAC events since 2012 than anyone else see thislink

Thank you to everyone who put in an entry this year, even if you only entered one log, the more stations that are active the more fun these contests are for everyone. I would also like to thank the other RSGB adjudicators,Ian G0FCT(2m), Quin G3WRR(4m&23cms) and John G3XDY(6m&SHF)for their efforts during the year.

Pete, G4CLA

Overall UKAC 2022
To search results enter Callsign
= Young Operator (up to 18)