2320 SHF UKAC Times
For the past few years the timings of the 2320MHz section of the SHF UKAC, held on the fourth Thursday of the month, have changed through the year so as to always avoid daylight operation near primary user sensitive sites, in particular around facilities at Boscome Down. Many entrants have commented about the late finish times and shortened time available as a result.
So far there have been no reported incidents of harmful interference to the primary user at any time, both during contest periods and at other times. After consultation with the RSGB Microwave Manager the VHFCC proposes to align the times of the 2320MHz section with all the other UKAC microwave bands in 2020.
This can only be achieved with the cooperation of all entrants in avoiding operation that could impact on any of the sensitive sites at Boscome Down, Aberporth and St Kilda during daylight hours in the working week.
Full details of the restrictions are in Section 5 of the PSSR statement on Amateur use of 2310 to 2450 and 3400 to 3475MHz: here
If you are confident in your ability to calculate the field strength received at the sensitive sites then you can use available tools to determine what mitigation is required, if any.
As a general guide in the absence of detailed calculations if you are located within 50km of Boscome Down or any of the other sites, you should avoid transmitting whilst beaming at the site during daylight hours. This should provide protection for the primary user from stations running up to 50W to a 2m dish. If using a larger system, then the distances should be increased, eg to 100km for 200W to a 2m dish.