1 Introduction

MGM is now a mainstream mode alongside SSB and CW for the exchange of contest information, facilitated by the widespread and low cost availability of PCs and free software.

- The main purpose of this guide is to provide a protocol for the efficient exchange of contest information when using MGM. However, you will not be penalised for using a different protocol so long as the complete contest exchange only takes place over the air.

- The protocol is an extension of standard meteor scatter procedures to include contest information, and the description is based around the standard WSJT-10 messages and modes (the most commonly used in contests), although the same messages may be used with other Machine Generated Modes such as PSK which are not included in the WSJT suite.

- This Guide does not describe the interconnections between PC and transceiver, since such information is readily available on the internet. All that is required is PTT control via the PC and line in/out connections for transmit and receive audio.

- This Guide does not describe how to set up or optimise the use of MGM software, nor does it compare the merits of different software applications.


2 What needs to be logged?

In VHF contests the following needs to be received over the air and logged accurately by both parties to a contest exchange:

- both calls

- report (as appropriate for the mode in use)

- Large Square Locator (4 digit e.g. IO91)

Serial number is not required