
RSGB Contest Results Autumn Series DATA 2024   
v4.150 by G4CLA

Final Autumn Series DATA Contest 4th November 2024

The final  data leg of the Autumn Series took place on the 4th November 2024 with many reporting 80m to be in fine mood indeed with good propagation both UK and also into Europe. The condition were so good that once again, the station logging the most QSOs was in the 10W-A section.

The warning last time to check the mode seemed to have been heeded this time.

The entry count was up again on last month with 137 logs being received and John Barber GW4SKA put GW6XX on the air to give away those much sought after 5 point QSOs. Our thanks to John for being GW6XX for the event.

So to the individual results. Wins were recorded for:-

M4N (G4IZZ) in the 100W-A Section

G4ENZ in the 10W-A Section

M7W (G3PDH) in the 100W-U Section

G4A (G4TSH) in the 10W-U section.

Congratulations to this month's winners and also to Martin Church - G4ENZ who earns his 'Mentioned in Dispatches' for a not only a maximum score, but the only station so to do and on 10 Watts! A splendid effort indeed.

That wraps up the 80m data season for this year. I hope you have enjoyed the events throughout the year and despite the inevitable frustrations, you'll be back again to represent your club for 2025. These events do allow one to hone the station ready for the 'Big One' a.k.a. AFS in January. All that remains now is for me to wish you the compliments of the forthcoming season, and see you all in January. Happy Diddling.

73 de Simone Wilson, M0BOX

RSGB 80m Data Adjudicator.

Overall Individual Results here