
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2024   
v4.158 by G4CLA

70MHz UKAC December 2024 & Whole Year

The results of the December 70MHz UKAC are presented below. Once again tropo conditions were poor, with some regulars missing. Conversely, meteor scatter conditions were aided by the Geminids shower.

It was noted that some of the MS contacts were being supported by ON4KST chat which could be interpreted as progressing the contact, such as by specifying the message type being sent. Future occurrences of this type can expect to see penalties applied, please take this as a warning. ON4KST should only be used to set up a QSO, and not as a running commentary.

Overall the 2024 70MHz UKAC has seen continued high levels of activity, with a small increase in entries in the AO section, but some reduction in AR and AL.

Parallel Lines continues their leadership of the Local Club section, with Hereford as runners-up. In the General Club section, Northern Fells leads again, with Wirral & District as runners-up.

In the AO section congratulations go to Chris G4FZN/P for continuing his run of wins, with Jon GM4JTJ taking over the runner-up slot. In AR Pete G4CLA continues his winning ways with Wayne MW0LKX/P taking the runner-up position this year. Steve GW1YBB/P continues his domination of the AL section, with Steve G0EAK/P as runner-up. Congratulations also go to Frank PE1EWR as leading overseas entrant, Darrell 2E0VCC/P as the leading Intermediate station, and David M7DQO as leading Foundation station.

The first 70MHz UKAC of 2025 takes place on Thursday 16th January at 20:00 GMT.

John G3XDY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC